It was a busy night last night but not nearly as busy as the previous night I had worked last weekend. I am glad this one is over and just as soon as the coffee is perked, I will be heading to bed. I am glad that I do not have to get up in a few hours and go quadding.
Oh, the beauty of lying down after a night shift just can not be described but believe is heaven.
John woke me up at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and it took about half an hour before I got out of my zombie mode!! I tend to wake with a bit of a headache after working a night shift so needed a cup of coffee and a couple of tylenol then, was good to go for the rest of the day.
It was a beautiful day in the neighbourhood with the sun shining like crazy. The football games had already started and we watched them until finally we headed out side to enjoy some of the sunshine.
It didn't take long for John to decide that the bit of fence he wanted done before we leave had to be constructed today. He got the tools out and within a few hours (maybe less) the fence was up and standing. Wow, we really are good. It is standing 8 feet tall at present but will be cut down to size tomorrow. It looks awesome!!
Gary and Arlene came over to let us know that they were headed out onto the trails for a bit as Gary is still "breaking in" his new quad and needs a few more hours on the engine. Since Dave's excursion into the bush alone, getting stuck and having to walk 8 miles out of the bush, both him and Gary have been pretty good at letting someone know when they go out and in what general vicinity they will be riding in. Hell, it would have taken us a week to find Dave!!
After John mucked on the jeep for a while, he started a campfire and we sat around it for the evening. Gary and Arlene came back from their ride and mentioned that they had seen Dave and Shirley on the North Road so obviously, they are back from the gun show and are now doing some target shooting with the new gun.
We have decided to gather tomorrow for a ride on the quads and Dave is allowing me to ride his extra quad. It will be good for the quad (which has not seen the trails for over a year) and for me as well as I still need lots of practise.
Gary and Arlenen soon left for home and their supper and John and I sat around the fire until our steak and baked potatoes were done then we too headed in the the evening and called it a day.
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