Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sunday, May 13/2018 - Saturday, May 19/2018

I started off this week by working a night shift right off the bat and I have three more shifts scheduled for the remainder of the week'
John has been busy unpacking the side by side and just getting things settled in.
The grass is calling to him and the lawnmower will be needing an oil change before that happens.  Apparently the side by side needs one too and the tires need to be changed. is a good thing that I am working so that he can get his jobs done!!
We did manage to go for another Sami ride on Tuesday and that was fun.  We decided to check out "12"Mile Trail and a few of the nearby lakes.
Shirley had gotten the soft top sewn over the winter and John put that on before we headed out.   This way, if there was any flying mud we would at least have the soft top to catch it.   I really hate mud in my hair!!  And....on my clothes, or my skin....or anywhere else it wants to land on me!!!
We accessed the trail and soon found water on the trail.  In fact we found LOTS of water on the trail. We were actually quite surprised to see the amount of water on this trail considering how dry the last two trails were.
I am not very adventurous anymore when it comes to water on the trail and I felt I had to remind John to look for any available tree that he might have to hook the winch to if we happened to get stuck.  He was not impressed with my disrespect toward Sami and its ability to get out of the mud and water!!  Hmmmm....I seem to remember the need to use the winch last week because of its inability to climb over a root and out of the mud but I did not mention that to John!!
As it turned out, Sami climbed through this first mud hole and every one after and I was eternally grateful for that.  John did not fail to chastise me though for not believing in Sami!!  Gosh, I sure hope I didn't hurt Sami's feelings!!
Once we accessed the grid road again we headed further North.   We got to the junction, took a right and accessed the Otter Lake turn off.  We only made it a hundred feet down the trail before we were stopped in our tracks.  Mr. Beaver had been very busy and had felled four trees across the trail.   Well then, I guess we won't be going any further down this trail and Otter lake will have to wait for another day.
We then headed over to Utah Lake and spent time there.  Of course there was no one else around and we had the place to ourselves.  Booko chased a few sticks into the water but was very cautious when it came time to actually swim for one.   That was not going to be happening today!!  I told John to get into the water with him but he said "it is too damn cold"!!  I'm thinking the lake has probably only been ice free for a week or so!!
We then headed to Buck Lake to check that area out.  It too was really quiet and once again we mentioned that it would be a really nice place for the kids to camp.  It is a really nice spot to set up a chair and have a cold beer in the summer too!!  You sit up on the hill looking down at the lake and get to enjoy the surrounding forest.   We have seen deer and bear here so that is always a bonus.  There is a pair of nesting loons on the lake and it is always nice to hear their call.
From Buck we made our final stop at Vimy.  Again, there was minimal water along the trail.  Actually there was only one spot and that was easily avoided.  The Lake was quiet and Booko enjoyed checking out the water's edge and surrounding area.
All too soon, it was time to call it a day and head home.  It had been a great adventure.  Sami had performed well and fun was had by all.
The rest of the week is reserved for shifts at the nursing home.
The kids are supposed to be coming up for the long weekend so hopefully we will get to have a visit with them at some point.  I am really not available until Sunday as Saturday will be sleep day for me.  But, they have a ton of friends coming up for the weekend and who really wants to spend time with their parents when you have friends and lots of adventures awaiting you.   Not me!!
I know that Kimmy is looking forward to the start of the "lake season"  and with this being the first....well that only makes it that much more special.

Utah Lake

Vimy Lake

Sunday, May 6/2018 - Saturday, May 12/2018

It is so good to be able to sleep in once in a while and I started this week by not waking until 9:30!!   Wow, now that is quite a sleep in for me!!
The church bells started ringing at 10:30 and I was so surprised to hear them.   They didn't hardly ring at all last year so I was really pleased to hear them today.   There is something about the sound of church bells that is comforting to me.  Perhaps it is a memory from my childhood - who knows- but the sound has always put a smile on my face.

Ride to the Block

Monday brought lots of sunshine and we decided to take a scoot down into the Block with the Sami.  At least we could get out of a "sticky" situation should the need arise with the Sami as opposed to "Old Blue" who does not have a winch and is only two wheel drive.
We got to Deer Lake without any difficulty and we were actually quite surprised as to just how dry the road was.  Man, it was like a regular highway!!   There would be no trouble in getting your boat down to the launch this year.   There is virtually NO WATER and that, is not good.
We drove along side the lake towards Slide Out and the trail is normally quite a challenge with mud and corruption along the way.  Today, it is dry, dry, dry and I shudder to think how vulnerable this forest is for fire.
We cruised along the trail for a bit then we turned around and headed back the way we came.   John had seen another trail we had yet to check out so headed there.   With the land being so dry, we wondered how far we could get down this trail before having to turn around, as we were headed towards some pretty nasty muskeg!!
We took one fork in the trail and that ended in a huge slough so turned around and took the other fork.   Well, we were good going one way but had chewed up the trail a bit and on the way back out, got stuck up to our knees and things and needed the winch to get over one very stubborn root!!   Thank Heavens it was working and we were out in no time at all!!

Deer Lake

Little muddy - got stuck!!
Thank Heavens for the winch!!

Saw a nice Black Bear on the trail but he didn't stick around!!

Headed home

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday were work days so our adventures in the forest were curtailed until Saturday when we were once again in Sami and headed down the North Road.   We decided to check out "8" Mile and "Eddie's" Trail
Once again, we were surprised by the dryness of the trail.  "8" mile had only a bit of mud and was easily traversed. We noticed too that several "piles" of wood that had been left over from the logging operations over the past couple of years had been burnt.  Presumably this is an effort to "clean up" and in turn reduce available fuel for any future forest fires so that was a good thing to see.  There are tons of little chunks of wood lying around that will be good for our campfires here in the fire pit so one of these days we will have to take the truck out and load up.  Woo hoo, another year of free chain saw necessary!!
We accessed Eddie's Trail and found only minimal bits of water.   All the usual "wet" spots were bone dry.  Holy Buckets!!
Quad rallies are being cancelled because of the terrible dry conditions and one really has to be careful if they adventure out into the tall grasses with their quads.   The risk of fire is huge.   There is a big forest fire burning in the province now that is apparently burning because of a quad rally.  Apparently, some grass caught on fire from a hot muffler and whoosh......forest fire!!
We passed several tree planters along the way doing there thing with replanting trees in an effort towards sustainable forests,   That is a good thing.   There will be lots of new growth trees popping up and growing in a few years time.   They are pretty small now but they will grow and that is a good thing.
At the end of Eddie's Trail I saw the first crocuses of the Spring season.   They looked awesome. It is these flowers that usually are the first to peek their heads out of the warming soil and greet the changing season.   It was good to see them.
It was a good ride.
We stopped at the little white church on the way home just to see if my little white foot stool was still there.    Apparently, we forgot to put it back into the Sami when I got in the last time we were here and now, it is missing.  I can't swing my leg up into Sami with the arthritis in my hip so have been using a foot stool to get in.  It works well but works way better when one actually puts it back into the sami for future use!!  Well, I guess someone is now enjoying my stool!!  I now have something else to put on my Walmart list!!
This brings us to the end of another week.  It is hard to believe that May is almost half way done.  The long weekend is coming up and that will make it seem to go by even quicker.    Oh well...not much to be done about that.   Time marches on.
Life is Good!!

Headed out to "Eddie's" Trail

no water - anywhere!!


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Monday, April 30/2018 - Saturday, May 5/2018

This "farm" week started off with running and we never stopped till finally we were done with all the appointments, the shopping and the family visits.
It was busy and after spending lots of money, we were finally able to make the final leg of our journey home.
Of course one is never allowed to just get into the truck and go down the highway.  We first had to stop at Prairie Meats to pick up a case of steaks then, the A&W for lunch, the drug store, Canadian Tire and finally the butcher shop for dog bones!!  Then, and only then, were we headed north and home.
The drive was uneventful and two hours later, we were pulling into the yard in Leoville.
Our neighbour Shirley was the first to come out (in her white socks) to welcome us home!!  Man, it is so nice to be home.
We parked the camper, got the garage door open and finally, we were able to get the chairs out, sit down and have our first "home" beer!!
Booko was busy checking out the yard and it wasn't long before Dave and Shirley were over with a welcome home visit.  Gary joined us shortly after that and we were once again.....finally home!!
We sat around catching up on the "winter news" as the evening waned.  Finally, John and I and Booko were finally alone and it was time to start our first campfire of the season.
It wasn't long before the flames were snapping and we were settled around it.   Life was Good!!
Before too long, the long tiring week had caught up to us and it was time to get something to eat and head to bed.
The fire settled to embers and I managed to make "gourmet" grilled cheese sandwiches!!   Yummy!!
Booko was ready to come in and he settled onto his bed and was snoring before our sandwiches were done.
Saturday was spent getting a bit organized and then we headed off for another "first".  Our first booze cruise down the dirt road.  We headed east and drove past the various farms and finally down into "The Block" were we stopped at the bottom of the hill as the small stream that normally covers the road was looking a bit (well a whole lot) unfriendly so we turned around and headed towards home.
We arrived in time for our daily happy hour with Gary then soon headed into the mancave as the heat from the sun turned into the chill of the evening.  The hockey game was just starting so that is what occupied the rest of the evening until John got supper going.
Steak and baked potatoes were on the menu and for the first "official" decent meal of the summer season, was delicious.
It has been a busy week and I am more than ready to finish this one off and get started on a new one. Who knows what adventures are going to be coming our way!!
Life is Good!!

Headed out from the farm

Petrofka Bridge

Still some snow left

And ice

Our first fire

Booko enjoying the grass

Sunday, April 29/2018

It is really trying to rain this morning.   The skies are heavy and grey.  Looks like rain is in our near future and with the few drops I now hear on the roof, I'm thinking it is pretty much inevitable.
We will be at the farm today and will get to visit with the farm folks.  That will be good.
Jace is home off the road but leaving again tomorrow morning.
I sent a message to Casey letting him know that we are back in Canada and will be at the farm for most of the upcoming week.  Hopefully, we get to see him too before heading up to Leoville for the summer.
The wind blew all the way from Sask Landing to the farm and we even got to drive in the rain today!!  We really can't complain though as this is the first "weather" we have encountered.  Once again, we have been blessed with clear roads and minimal wind!!.
Of course when we arrived at the farm it was blowing and raining so that put a bit of a damper on the day.
We got the camper set up and Jace and Kim (who had been taking inventory of the inside of their camper) joined us inside for a few beers.  We were soon joined by Gloria and enjoyed the evening with lots of laughs and stories of our adventures.  Bernie was inside the house glued to the hockey game so we did not see him at all today.
It was warm ups for supper and then it was off to bed for everyone.  Jace had to leave with the loaded semi as he had two drops in Alberta,  Kimmy had to work in the morning and Gloria too.  The only ones that had a bit of a rest scheduled for Monday was John and I and Bernie!!
Booko I am sure was glad to be out of the truck and have the run of the farm yard.  Of course he was back limping pretty good after running around like an idiot with Coors, Neena and the cats!!
It is soooo very good to be back in Canada!!
We have a busy week infront of us with doctor and eye appts and then all the necessary shopping that needs to be done.   Gosh, I'm tired just thinking about this week!! always.....Life is Good!!

Headed out

Ice on the water

Ice pushed up on the hiway

Old truck almost washed away

Old Outlook bridge

South Saskatchewan River

Saturday, April 28/2018

I was up early this morning thanks to the singing birds.  They were quite melodious and I was unable to get back to sleep as they were quite LOUD!!  There is nothing like truly happy birds in the morning.
The sun was shining and high temperatures were in the forecast.  Spring has definitely sprung here in Roundup, Montana.
Today, we will be crossing back into Canada so I got all the necessary paperwork ready for that and once we had showered and fueled up the truck we headed down the road.
What proved rather incredulous today was the amount of snow that continued to lay in the ditches alongside the highway.  Montana either got an incredible amount of snow this winter or they had a pretty significant snow storm not too long ago.  With today's high temperatures though, it won't be long before it is melted.
We saw several herds of antelope today and that is pretty much the norm for this area.  They were busy doing their "antelope" thing and pretty much ignoring the passing traffic!!
We made a quick stop in Malta, MT to top off the gas tank and fill the propane bottles then continued on to the US/Canada border.
We rolled up like we knew what we were doing, claimed what we had to and found out that we were over on the little cigars we had bought for Bernie.  Apparently we are only allowed to bring 50 cigars each and we had 100 each!!  Well, imagine that!!  Now why on earth would I not have checked that out when I was busy buying them?  Good Grief.  The fellows said that the duty would be 109.00 dollars on the other hundred cigars and although I love Bernie to death........THAT WAS NOT GOING TO BE HAPPENING!!  We were also over on our beer quota so we had to pay duty on it this time around.
I went inside, paid the duty on the beer and watched as the guard broke everyone of those 100 cigars and chucked them into the garbage.  Yikes!!  Apparently they have to destroy them in front of you so that they are not accused of using whatever it is that they are confiscating!!  I did not know that so it was interesting chatting with "the boys".
The one guard liked the "set up" of the truck so was asking all about the solar panels and how they worked for us so we had a chat about that too.  He also wondered how we liked the side by side.
I was in the office for a while so John must have thought they had thrown me into jail.   We all had a laugh about that and before too long I was headed back to the truck with a "Welcome back to Canada" following me out the door.  Such nice young men at our border crossing!!
We arrived at the Equestrian Campground at Sask Landing for the night.  Another one of our favourite spots to stay.  It is always quiet here and there is seldom any other campers here.   Occasionally, there are a few horse riders around but not very often.  It sit right along the shores of Lake Diefenbaker and the waterfowl and other bird life is more than abundant.  There is also sign of bigger animals as we have seen bear poop around!!
Once again, John managed to find enough wood so we were able to have a bit of a fire while he cooked steak and baked potatoes on the bbq.
The evening was pleasant enough although there was a bit of a breeze blowing but we managed just fine in spite of it!!  Booko was glad to have the full run of the place and ran around like an idiot for a while.   He eventually climbed into his lawnchair, got covered up with his blanket and fell asleep!  He has had a tough day!!
All in all, it was another good day of travel and getting back home (into your own country) is always a good thing.  Life is Good!!

Headed out

Passed 8 more of these parked down the road

Long hilly road

Our spot for the night

Friday, April 27/2018

Today was a "shop at Walmart" day to pick up the last few items we will need before crossing to border back into Canada.  It just so happens that Walmart is only a few blocks from the campground here in Laurel.   Imagine That!!
We packed up and headed out to shop.  Well, I headed out to shop.  John and Booko stay in the truck so they don't bother me!!
Once that nasty job was done, we headed over to the RV dealership to get the new fender for the trailer.  It had broke and blew off in a wicked windstorm last year (or maybe that was the year before) but it was finally time to quit procrastinating and get the new one ordered and picked up.  That being done, we headed over to the tire shop and John got new tires put on the trailer as well.  The current tires were looking pretty worn and we sure do not want tire issues while we are in travel mode.
Luckily, the tire shop was not busy and we were in and out within an hour

Ran in to the weiner mobile at Walmart

Old Willy driving through the camp ground

Our spot for the night

Musselshell River

.   Nice!!
Booko's training collar had quit working so John ordered another one of those.  We picked it up at the UPS store as we headed out of Billings.
We were finally on our done, new tires, fender and dog collar all done,  Time to drive further North.
Our stop for the night was again, one of most favourite spots.  The lovely campground at Roundup, Montana.   It too is nestled in and amongst huge cottonwood trees and lies beside the Musselshell River.  It's water was flowing at a good speed and we had to be rather diligent about Booko as he loves to play in the water and now that he thinks he can swim.....well, that makes it a bit harder on my nerves!!   He did pretty good though as we had to call him back from the water's edge only once.
We set up camp and John scrounged some wood so that we could have a bit of a campfire tonight.
On of the locals (Tim) stopped to say hi and we had a chat with him learning about some of the local history.
This campground too is what I would call a "happy" campground as it was teeming with birds in all different sizes and shapes.  There was "bird songs" coming from every tree around us and a few squirrels made an appearance just to bug the dog!!
There was one other camper in the park and we had several "looky loos" drive by to check the joint out.   I am sure that this is one of the regular cruising roads in the town!!
Anyway, it was a lovely evening.   The fire was great and John cooked the ribs to perfection.
Life is Good!!