Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday, February 28/2010

Well, the foam worked thank heavens and although there is still alot of wetness in the carpets and along the ceiling, it is not nearly as wet as last night. I put alot of towels along the wetness to wick it out of the carpet and that seems to have helped alot.
John is still in bed and I can hear a moan and groan every now and then so I know he is still in the land of the living. Did I mention that he was fully insured??!!!! Even this morning, "dumb ass" comes to mind!! Oh yes, life in the Sonoran desert is never dull with the John and Marie Gong Show!!
It is still cloudy today although the rain looks like it has moved on. It is hard to believe that this is the last day of February and we will be heading back home soon. Boy, has the time passed quickly.
I must get the bus tidied up and get ready for the gold medal hockey game. Go Canada Go!!
Another Gold Medal for Canada!!!! Brings the total gold to 14 - the most ever for any country in the history of the Olympic Games. Congratulations to all our olympians and thanks for the entertainment and the memories. What a way to end the month of February!!

Saturday, February 27/2010

Today was the day that John decided he was going to start the final leg of the solar panel saga. It can't be totally finished until he receives another piece of equipment and that comes in on Wednesday. He found the airtight, waterproof container he needed in one of my lock and locks and proceeded to drill a hole in the roof of the bus and feed the cables through. It was getting late and we had to watch the men's gold medal curling game and then head back into town for the dinner reservations we had made yesterday. He quickly finished off on the roof of the bus, put the container over the hole in the roof and we headed into town. The question now would be -- did anyone check the weather report BEFORE we drilled a hole in the roof of the motorhome??!! I would think NOT!!!! It poured like the devil while we were gone (of course we didn't come right home). When we finally did return, it was to very wet carpeting and a wet ceiling and I don't even want to think about where all that rain went into the lining of the roof!!! Because it couldn't be left like this -- and now the gong show starts ---- John decides that he must climb the ladder to the roof and spray some foam into the hole to staunch the flow of the rain into the bus. I of course, am not going to mention that John has had a few beer - some may think perhaps one too many!!! The ascent of the ladder did not prove to be too difficult, the spraying of the foam down the hole did not prove to be too difficult - however - it was the descent that proved to be the issue. John came staggering back into the bus looking half dead and covered in sand and gravel proclaiming that he had fallen from the third step of the ladder and isn't it a good thing that he was able to get up and walk back into the bus because he suspected that I (his loving wife) would probably leave him outside in the rain all night!!! Ask me if I laughed???!! Of course I didn't!! I merely said something along the lines of "get your sad sorry ass into that bed before you kill yourself and I have to end up driving this bus home myself"!!!! PS: John is fully insured by the way!!!
The foam will hopefully do the trick and tomorrow I will ask why he didn't simply spray some of that foam into the hole yesterday afternoon while he was finishing up this leg of the project. Oh yeah, MAN BRAIN!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26/2010

Woke this morning to the sun once again shining through the windows and the birds waiting for me to feed them. It is so nice to be needed!! Caught up on the emails and the blog and was reading the newspaper from back home when I got a wonderful surprise. One of our friends from back home (Shelly) skyped us and when I answered Mom Larocque was there visiting. We haven't seen her since we left Canada and with all the medical issues facing her since last summer it was wonderful to see her - even if she said that my face looked fat!!! Thanks Mom!! Had a great chat with all the Larocques and once again the old "I can hardly wait to get home" feeling creeps around.
We headed into town for supper, had a few cold ones and watched the women's gold medal curling game at the bar and I was surprised at the number of Americans that had no clue about the game of curling and many of them didn't even know what the game was called!! Canada ended up with the silver medal and we ordered supper "to go" so we could watch the hockey game at home.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25/2010

Sun is shining - finally!! Quiet day today, had to once again help the olympians but with the gold medals we are collecting, it is all worth it.
Our friendly neighborhood prospector Truman stopped by for a visit. He found a piece of iron pyrite (fool's gold) for me, so now I have another rock for my collection. John is complaining that we will be hauling about 800lbs of rocks back to Canada but he is soooo full of it!!! Truman also showed us a gold nugget he found a few years back and let me tell you, it was quite a bit larger than the one I had in my hand the other day from the gemologist!! I think I am getting "gold fever"!! If I could only decide how to do it without having to watch out for rattlesnakes I just may consider it!!
John sends a poem to all our friends in Saskatchewan:

My Friends In Saskatchewan

It's winter in Saskatchewan
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy kms an hour
At -45 below
Oh, how they love Saskatchewan
When the snow is up to their butt
They take a breath of winter
And their nose gets frozen shut
Yes, the weather there is wonderful
So, I guess they will hang around
My friends could never leave Saskatchewan
Because they're frozen to the ground.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24/2010

I'm a bit tired today - I almost fell during the downhill cross race yesterday but managed to hang on for the gold, then, I had to help Kevin and Cheryl at the curling rink and finally had to lend Roberto Luongo some assistance in the Canadian net so I am a bit tired and sore today. I really should get the coffee going because I am sure someone is going to require some assistance today as well - perhaps the bobsleigh people!! You have got to love the Olympic coverage.
The sun is up and hopefully the few clouds that are hanging around will dissipate and the sun can have free rein on the skies. Since it has been chillier these past few days, any early bird "creatures" should be back in their little dens again so it may be safe for me to adventure back onto the trails. I am such a coward when it comes to creatures that can bite and kill me!!!
As it turned out, it remained cloudy all day so spent the time reading and watching the Olympic coverage on TV.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 23/2010

CHILLY one this morning!! I can see my breath in the bus!! Although I can't see any frost on the ground this morning I know it must have got pretty close to that magic number. This is Arizona's "winter" now and although there is no snow in this area, it can and does cool off at night - some nights worse than others and since it has been rainy and cloudy for the past two or three days, it is not surprising that it is chilly this morning. That being said, there are absolutely NO clouds in the sky and once the sun comes over the hill, it will be warm and perhaps I'll get in a bit of suntanning - finally!!
I really must go into town today for groceries and I am totally out of reading material - what is with that!! I have been putting it off for the past couple of days because of the lousy weather so really must get my arse into gear today!!
Back from town and I found the neatest fruit and vegetable stand today so decided that fresh is much better than Safeway and managed to save money along the way. Bonus!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 22/2010

Awoke to another cloudy day - rats!! The birds are waiting to be fed - doesn't seem to matter what the weather is like for them!! They still need to eat.
Jan told me last night that one of our co-workers (Helen) reads the blog and is a little disgusted that I have not posted anything for several days and I just want her to know that it is NOT me that is the hold up - John has been very lax in downloading the videos and THAT is the issue!! All the entries have been written and are waiting for John!! Gosh, even here in Arizona I end up waiting for a man!! Hopefully Helen, the late entries are posted today!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, February 21/2010

No rain this morning but it remains cloudy non the less. Hopefully, it clears up a little because since I didn't get the prime rib last night, there is BBQ'd steak on Marie's supper menu tonight and John is the chef!! He is still in bed this AM so I will tell him what he is cooking for supper when he wakes up!!
Spent the day skiing down the slopes of Whistler, twirling around on my figure skates and sweeping more curling rocks than I wanted to so I am a bit tired tonight!!
The steak was good but talking to my sister was even better!! She has been busy working so, on those days we often don't talk. How am I supposed to keep up with the gossip back home if we don't talk??!!! Anyway, we had a good chat.

Saturday, February 20/2010

Woke up this morning to the sound of rain falling on the roof of the bus and like I said before, there is something calming and pleasant about the sound. Hogan was not impressed with the rain but it certainly never stopped him from trying to catch the birds that feed on the ground beside the bus. I think the doves were playing with him this morning because they were flying just a couple of feet in front of his nose - just close enough to make him think that he could actually catch them!! When Hogan finally got tired of their game he came back covered with wet sand and had t0 be totally wiped down before coming in!!! What a goof!!
Tonight we headed back into town for supper and while my mouth was watering for the prime rib, when we finally got around to ordering, the prime rib had been sold out so I was mad and had to settle for the chicken which was good but I so had my heart set on the prime rib. Stayed for a few cocktails following supper (drowning my sorrows over the prime rib!!) and eventually made it home in time to see some Olympic curling. What a life!!

Friday, February 19/2010

A bit cloudy today when Hogan and I got up although the blue sky looks like it is heading our way. There is supposed to be a chance of rain this weekend so will have to wait and see. The birds are busy with the seeds I put out and sometimes there are a few fights amongst them - kind of funny to watch as they chirp and jump all over each other. Reminds me of popcorn as it jumps in the pan!!
We headed into town for supper tonight. It was all you can eat fish and chips and John says the cod here is great. Stayed for a few drinks and ended up chatting with a gemologist for most of the night. He was very interesting to talk with and told us he was also a rock hunter being that he was into gems and jewelry (does a lot of trade shows). The conversation turned to gold and before I knew it he went out to his car and came back in with three gold nuggets he had found while out rock hunting. (He said he actually found 13 nuggets in the three days that he was hunting - about $2000 worth.) I held the three in my hand and was amazed at the weight of the nuggets. He told me that I held about $1000 in my hand!! I forgot the camera so wasn't able to get a picture however I will before he leaves the area. This fellow also sells metal detectors so we plan on buying one from him next week. I think we will have lots of fun with it.
Anyway, we had a good time and the evening ended with John and I watching some Olympic coverage from bed before turning out the lights.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18/2010

The sun was too much to resist today so ended up with a bit of a sunburn!! Not real bad but I know it is there - and I thought I was being careful!!
John was busy again today securing the solar panels to the bus. According to him, if all goes according to plan, we will have so much power we should hardly ever have to use the generator. Yeah!! Maybe I could sell some power to the neighbors!!!
What an absolutely beautiful day and what made it even better is that we got an email from my sister back home about her going outside in her slippers (in the snow) slipping and falling and the garbage can falling on her and being trapped under it!! The way she told the story was funnier than hell!! No snow down here to slip in!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wednesday, February 17/2010

Another sunny day - boy, could this get to be a habit!!! John is busy today putting the solar panels on the roof of the motorhome. Once he is done, we should have plenty of power stored and not have to use the generator as often. This will definitely reduce the amount of diesel used for the generator. Yeah!! John has done a lot of reading about the solar panels and believes that the ones that are currently up there are not wired in properly therefore we never get a full charge on the batteries - hence - we need to use the generator more often that we should have to. Time will tell!!
Ran into town for a few supplies today and noted that since the fair has left town there is certainly much less traffic and way fewer people to get in my way. Nice!! I must really think about doing the laundry again soon - Yeah for me!!
Quiet evening spent - must turn on the TV and see how the Canada is doing at the Olympic Games.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 16/2010

Hogan and I are up early again today and the sun is once again shining like crazy. The daily temperatures are climbing steadily now and the night time temperatures are starting to rise as well. Of course this means that the Snakes, Spiders and Scorpions will be emerging from their homes soon. I am assured however, that this is still a few weeks away but there is always the possibility that a few early birds will come out to grab some sun. GREAT!! I am sooo out of here!!!
Just received a call from the garage that the truck is ready for pick up so that was sure quick. Will pick it up when John has decided what he needs to buy to get those solar panels installed and ready for use so, that will be a little later today.
Back from town with some of the stuff needed for the solar panels - stopped at the local watering hole to say hi to the locals and picked up "Billy". John felt like having a campfire since it was such a lovely evening so we scrounged the remaining wood we had and finished off the evening outside. Oh Ya and does that not look like a snake head!! Scarrrrry!

Monday, February 15/2010

My, how the time does fly - middle of the month already. Wow. Sun is shining like crazy and I feel a suntan coming on!!
"Billy" needs a little repair again so we dropped him off at the garage. The brake seal on the rear passenger tire is leaking and since brakes are essential is safe driving, I guess it had to be done. The driver's side had been done when we first arrived here so once this one is done we should be good to go.
Back at the bus, the lawn chairs were calling to me so I grabbed my book and settled in. John decided that the trailer needed a bit of a cleaning and once that was done, started reading up on the solar panels.
Time to get them installed because we have to start slowly heading back home soon. Will be looking for the warm weather and following it home.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday, February 14/2010

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Who would have ever thought that John and I would be sitting in the Arizona Desert on Valentines Day?? Honey, pass the suntan lotion!!!
Headed back into town to meet the "gang". Lord only knows we haven't partied enough this weekend!! One of the girls (Brenda) was singing karaoke today and man did she have a beautiful voice. It was Jana's boyfriends last day in town - headed back to San Diego tomorrow AM so had to send him off in style. Jana will be sad tomorrow. Had lots of fun and were back at the bus by suppertime.
The weather was great today and I see will be in the mid seventies for the upcoming week. Yeah!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, February 13/2010

Up early again this morning. John's birthday today so must take him out for drinks and supper. Once we got in gear John had the bike ready and decided that we would take a short scoot up the highway to the little town of Congress and have a beer at the Green Frog Bar. The wind was incredible and since we are not required to wear our helmets, chose to wear our hats instead. The wind was so strong that I had to hold my hat in my hands for fear of losing it!! Even John's wanted to fly off a couple of times and he had the windshield helping to break the wind. Stayed for one beer then headed back to Wickenburg - helmets on!!!
John decided to get chocolates for the girls at the two bars that we go to so once back home we loaded them into the bike and made the necessary deliveries. They were thrilled - who would have thought that this simple gesture would cause this much of a reaction. I had to try and convince the girls that it was John's idea and not mine!! Once the deliveries were made we returned home to get ready for the evening activity.
Because of the increased activity in and around the bars, we decided that driving was a bit risky so decided to taxicab it to the bar and that really worked out well and because we had some "insider pull", we were first in line for the cab when closing time came around. It was great and everyone had a whole lot of fun!! We have made some wonderful friends down here. Earlier during supper, one of the girls came over (Jana) and said that Ariane had called from Canada and had ordered a couple of beers for John as a Happy Birthday gift. He was thrilled!! Thank you guys - it was appreciated. The girls were impressed as well - thought it was sweet!!
Anyway, the day was great -- good food, good friends, lots of laughs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, February 12/2010

Sun is shining and Hogan looks to be feeling much better today. His tail is wagging and his eyes look much brighter as well. Thank heavens.
It is the start of Gold Rush Days today so just may have to go into town to check out all the excitement. There is supposed to be all sorts of vendors set up selling their wares. I am sure there is something I need!!
I was just in the process of feeding the birds and managed to spill a whole mess of seeds onto the floor (darn birds) so now will have to get out the vacuum. Do you suppose God is telling me something??!! Yea, well, maybe I am listening and maybe I'm not!!
Went into town to pick up some solar panels and other stuff that John had ordered out of Flagstaff, made a quick stop at the Bar Seven then back home to unload all the "booty". The girls at the Bar Seven invited us back later to meet one of their boyfriends who was flying into town for the weekend.
We ate supper then John decided to take the bike in as we were only staying for a few - closed the place down then were going to go across the street for one more and believe it or not I was denied entry because I didn't have any ID on me!! I had decided that I really didn't need to be hauling my purse around so I left in at home - mistake!! I looked at the young man at the door and thought "honey, I am old enough to be your mother!!". So, John and I headed home -tomorrow is John's birthday so will party tomorrow as well. Really must remember my ID - guess they only really check ID during the big events like Gold Rush Days.

Thursday, February 11/2010

The sun is shining and the birds are singing. Looks like it is going to be a great day. Hogan and I went for a long walk today - he had been slacking lately!! Once back from our walk, Hogan and I headed into town to do a bit of shopping - don't want to be doing it on the weekend because this is the weekend for Gold Rush Days here in Wickenburg so, it will be much busier in the stores and on the streets.
I hit the first store and when I got back to the truck I noticed that poor Hogan had been sick all over the truck, although, to his credit, he missed both seats and John's bunnyhug. Everywhere else was fair game!! Good thing I had bought paper towel because it certainly came in handy!!
Back at camp, Hogan laid down and rested for the rest of the day with only a couple more episodes of vomiting. Poor little guy - I wonder if he got into something when we were out on the trail? Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for him.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10/2010

Clouds with a bit of sunshine again today - also a bit of frost on the ground when I got up. The birds are in the tree waiting for their breakfast so I had better get out there and make them happy.
Jace skyped us today. He is on night shift so had just crawled out of bed. Obviously he hadn't combed his hair before he called because he looked a bit like the Swamp Thing. It was great to see him - I love this skype!!
John's Mom called on the phone - wow - we have been gone since October and she finally phoned. All is fine with her - too cold for her car though!!
Quiet day, eventually id did rain.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9/2010

John remains immersed in solar power again today. He thinks he has just about figured out what he needs. I think it will definitely put us OVER budget!!! Yeah, it wasn't me this time!!! Oh Yea, I'm dancing, I'm dancing!!!!!
Hogan and I went for another much needed walk. Once again we have been slacking off with the exercise thing!! He really needs to apply himself a bit better!!
Spoke with Jan (sister) today. Got all the gossip from home. My brother in law just lost his oldest brother(63) so they were busy with funeral arrangement and services were yesterday. Way too young to die. Another reason why I don't regret this adventure John and I are on. One never knows.
Our honorary daughter Morgan got skype up and running on her computer so we chatted for an hour!! Caught up on all her news. Gosh, these kids now days - I can't keep up with all the drama!! Makes me feel old!! Oh yea, Miss Clairol tells me I'm not getting older - I'm getting better!! That's right!!

Monday, February 8/2010

Quiet day again today. John is immersed in the internet educating himself on solar panels and how to improve our system. Me, well I am once again immersed in a trashy love story. I have always said "you have to get out of books, what you don't get out of life"!! Perhaps I need more trash!!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, February 7/2010

The rain has stopped and the sun is trying to make an appearance although it remains quite cloudy. I am sure the blue sky I see behind Vulture Peak will eventually come on over. There are occasional bursts of sunlight through the clouds now so that is good.
It is Superbowl Sunday today so that means football. Yeah!! New Orleans Saints against the Indianapolis Colts. I hope it will be a good game.
VICTORY was claimed by the Saints and that is okay since they had never won the Superbowl before. It was a good game. The half time show totally sucked - I had a better time watching the birds around the feeder!! Some singers should know when it is time to quit!!

Saturday, February 6/2010

Cloudy and dreary today - sure looks like it could indeed rain. The birds are busy and several have flown into the windows of the bus. They have that reflective quality to them so I believe the birds think it is clear space. No dead bodies so that is good but, I might have to change the spot where I feed them if they continue to hit the window. I sure don't want to be the cause of any death or destruction!!
Took a quick trip into town today to replenish the milk and bread and wouldn't you know it -- there was another Nora Roberts book on the shelf and like a miracle, it jumped into my cart!!! I then hurried home, as I am already finished the one I had bought a couple of days ago.
The rain started about 3pm and continued for most of the night. Nice steady rain and I wondered if the wash would be running in the morning.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5/2010

Awoke to the sun shining and the birds singing. I spread wild bird seed out around the hummingbird feeder so every morning I get to watch their antics while I drink my coffee. John misses so much when he stays in bed!! He says 7:30 is too early for him - I shake my head!!
It was Girl's Night Out tonight so off I went to have a few drinks with the girls from the Bar Seven. They realized that John would be alone so invited him along as well - just as long as he didn't care what we talked about - bras, thongs etc!!!! Believe me - he didn't care!!! It was a lot of fun. We met more locals and as in all smaller towns, everyone knew everyone else!!
Back at the bus and time for bed. Supposed to rain tomorrow.

Thursday, February 4/2010

Busy day today!! Laundry needed to be done then took the bus into town to dump the tanks, fill with water, propane and diesel. We lasted exactly one month so are doing great as far as that goes. It is nice to know that we can last a month without having to move.
It is getting close to the weekend and also to Gold Rush Days in Wickenburg so the boondocking campsites around us are starting to fill up. We now have three "neighbors" close to us. Hogan keeps patrolling the perimeter and growling occasionally to keep the strangers away!!
We gathered some scraps of wood from around the campsite and once again had a nice fire tonight. The weather was even nicer tonight. There was absolutely no wind and despite the fact that we have neighbors, there was very little noise. There are absolutely NO MOSQUITOS here. Except for a few wasps that seem to appear in the daytime, there are very few insects of any kind so, that is awesome. It is still too cold out for the spiders and snakes!!! Thank You God!!
The coyotes and the owls serenaded us tonight and that was great. The sky was clear and the stars were shining like crazy. It is strange to see the Big Dipper here when one tends to think that the only place it can be seen is from back home. Makes you realize just how vast the skies really are. Incredible!!!

Wednesday, February 3/2010

Quiet day today, time to do some grocery shopping and a bit of running around to see if I can find an ink cartridge for the printer. How else am I supposed to document my "over budget" spending sprees if I can't print off the bank statement!!!!
I did happen to pick up the latest Nora Roberts novel so spent the rest of the day in my book!! John spent his day downloading pictures and videos to the blog and that seems to take for ever. We had a nice campfire, the weather was great and the BBQ steak was awesome.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2/2010 / Stanton Ghost Town Trail

Today we did the Stanton Ghost Town Trail - a trail full of history. This trail took us back in time to three communities - Stanton, Octave and Weaver.
In 1863, a party led by Pauline Weaver, a famous explorer of the Southwest stopped for the night along Antelope Creek. A Mexican man in the group climbed up a hill beside the creek and stumbled onto a rich field of gold nuggets. This lucky strike was the start of these three communities.
The first to flourish was Stanton (then called Antelope Station). The "hill" was appropriately named Rich Hill. This was a very profitable region and the earliest miners were able to pick up thousands of dollars worth of gold nuggets using only their pocket knives. Charles P. Stanton was a ruthless man with a violent temper and he ruled the settlement in the early days. The town flourished as the gold flowed into the hands of the residents but, when the gold supply dwindled, so did the town. Today, Stanton is owned by the Lost Dutchman Mining Assoc. and they have restored some of the original buildings including the store in which Charles Stanton was murdered.
The second site along the trail was Weaver, named after Pauline Weaver. It was initially a tent city and was home for a much wilder bunch. Murders and shootings were quite common as many of the thugs hired by Charles Stanton moved to Weaver after his death. It was only after the murder of a storekeeper by the name of William Senga that a newspaper article called for Weaver to be closed. Many of the decent folks relocated to Octave and in 1899, the gold was played out and the remaining folks from Weaver moved to Octave as well.
The third town to get going was Octave. The town was not developed until the late 1890s when it was purchased by a group of eight men - hence the name Octave. The Weaver post office was moved to Octave and eventually the town developed a stage stop, school and a general store. The mine netted $50,000 a month for a while and it persisted until it was eventually shut down in 1942. It is now on privately owned land so there was no access to the town site itself although you can still see what remains from the road.
We took several pictures in the various sites and I hope they all present well. Being a cemetery freak, I loved walking through the one at Weaver. It had been partially restored and each grave had a white cross on it. The graves themselves were covered by stones. It was really something to see. I can just imagine the stories that were buried in this ground. What remains of the old Weaver post office stands a short distance from the cemetery.
Time to head back. We decided to not return via the highway but simply to take the same trail back and, since the Box Canyon Trail links directly to this one, we decided we would take Box Canyon back home. It was certainly different seeing Box Canyon in the dark.
Once back in town, we stopped at the Rancher Bar and while there a fellow walked in for a beer. He turned out to be a cowboy poet so we were entertained with cowboy poetry while he had his beer. John managed to get one of his poems n video so make sure you listen to it.
You may have noticed the first two pics show a rather smashed truck resting in one of the many washes down here. Needless to say, the truck lost the battle and shall forever remain as a reminder of the power generated by rushing water!! All in all, another great day and as you can see from the pics - more great sunsets!!!