Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26/2011

Woody Woodpecker

Collecting Firewood

Worker Bee

Erika's Beer Holder

Katie and Andrew


Katie and Marie

Erika and Cloud

Good Beer!

Marie, Katie and Erika

Dancing Queen

Alberta Couple

Two Man Band

Marie and Cloud

Bill don't spill !

Marie and Jana
It is cloudy today and is supposed to rain and by the looks of the sky, it definitely could.  When I was in town yesterday, one of the sales people said there was also a possibility of snow!!  WHAT!!  Although it does not happen very often here in Wickenburg, snow has graced the streets.  The last time the town folk saw snow was 8 years ago!!
I spoke with Jan through text this morning.  She is working and did mention that it was bloody cold there again today.  Good thing she works inside and not outside.  I can't imagine having to work outside at -49C although most job sites would probably be closed due to the extreme cold.
Laundry was on the agenda today, so I headed into town and found I was the first person to grace the laundromat.  I had my choice of washers!!  Oh yea, it is the simple things in life that makes one smile!!
With the laundry in the washers, I had 42 minutes to get downtown and do the bit of shopping that I needed to do.  As it turned out, I was back with 3 minutes to spare!!  Now how is that for timing!!  God I am good.  Everrett arrived in my absence.  I guess it was laundry day for him as well.  Jim had driven him in and once he saw me there, Jim was able to return to camp and I would give Everrett a ride home.  I worked out great for all of us.
Once back at camp, John was more than eager to challenge my skills at Yahtzee - yea, like I have any!!
With my daily ass kicking out of the way, it was time to gather fire wood.  Since we still had Ben's truck, off we went and came back with a truck load.  We definitely have enough wood for several
After a quick shower, it was time to return the truck.  We stopped at the apartment and took Ben to the Seven for a beer.  Since he was driving, he only had one then headed home with instructions to call him when we were ready to head back to camp and he would drive us home.  We told him we would but only if it wasn't too late.
Erika joined us at the bar - it was her night off.  After several cocktails, it was time for supper (prime rib on the menu) and by that time, it was just what we needed!!  It was awesome - I had forgotten just how good it was.
We closed out the Seven then headed across the street to La Cabana where a live band was playing.  It was raining like crazy out but I am so glad that we went to hear them.  They were amazing and did  an incredible job on several Santana and Eagle's songs.  There voices were awesome and man could they play.  One fellow was on keyboards and one fellow was on guitar.  That's right, there were only two guys in the band but one would never know it listening to their music.
John was a dancing fool again tonight - what else is new.
At one point during the evening, someone shouted "It's snowing" and the whole bar got up and stampeded out side with their cell phone camera for pictures of the snow!!  John and I and another couple were the only ones that did not get up and go outside!!  We found out later, that they were from Alberta!!  The snow "hysteria" continued for much of the remainder of the evening!!  These people were so damn excited to see snow in Wickenburg!!  Oh My God!!  I guess 8 years is a long time between snowfalls.
Once the band was done for the evening we headed over to Mecca for a final drink - Oh yea, we really needed more!!   We sat outside so that the smokers could smoke and I heard nothing but complaints about it being too cold!!  Yes, you could see your breath but it certainly was not cold by Canadian standards - hell, it was -49 back home!! Now THAT is cold!!
We caught a ride up to the Rancher Bar with Bill and Dena and called a cab from there.  Max was more than happy to take us home and all the way there, I prayed that he would be able to actually make it to the campsite and not be stopped in the washes.  As it turned out, he made it right to the bus although he would definitely need a car wash after this trip!!  There was still lots of snow here in the desert, actually more out here than in town.  Dena would have had a bird if she saw it as she was probably the one that was the most excited about seeing it.
With us safely back at the bus,  it was long past our bedtime!!  Hopefully the pics of tonight's adventures show well.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 25/2011

I woke early, started the hot water heater and the front heater then crawled back to bed for another hour.  I am headed into town today to shop and do laundry so I must shower and look pretty for the town folk!!
Up and at it and the bus is warm, the sun is shining through the windows and the coffee is perking.  I don't know when Ben is coming but I had better be ready when he gets here.
We got into town late so I opted not to do the laundry and just get the running around I had to do done.  Ben looked a bit tired today so I dropped him off at his apartment and went and did all my running.  Once that was done and I had managed to get all the parts and pieces John needed for "Frank", I returned to the apartment and since Ben had no plans for going out tonight, I took his truck back to camp.  This was so, I can get an early start on laundry tomorrow.
It was 5 o'clock by the time I got back to camp, an hour past "happy hour"!!  John was still busy on the jeep.  Once I unpacked the few things I had purchased (my new bracelet is lovely) it was time to sit on the patio and relax.  We ended up sitting around the "campfire in a can" inside the trailer as there was a nasty little breeze blowing.  That little fire pit certainly provides adequate heat inside the trailer and out of the wind.
As it was just getting dark, a young bull came wandering along the wash right by the campsite (there are several wandering in the BLM land) and of course Hogan (brave dog that he is) had to defend his territory.  He was barking wildly (in his "choked chicken" bark) obviously telling the bull to move along.  The bull stopped, put his head down and was pawing the ground with enough force to fling the sand and dirt across its own back.  It was a classic stand off with Hogan at least 50 feet away from the bull.  John and I were standing in the trailer watching the show.  The bull soon realized that this "city" dog was no threat (all talk and no action) and started eating vegetation like Hogan didn't even exist.  I am sure he hung around that much longer just to piss Hogan off even more!!  Another cow wandered in and that set Hogan off again -- Oh My God - they were multiplying!!  It was now two against one!!  They slowly moved on, leaving Hogan with the feeling that he had scared them off!!  "Yea, keep moving you dirty cows and don't come back".  Hogan came back to the trailer proud - he had protected his family from a fate worse than death - piles of cow shit in the campsite!!
We sat in the trailer until I was hungry enough to force myself to deal with supper and let me tell you - gourmet it was not!!  KD and hotdogs!!  John continues to be impressed daily by my culinary skills!!
Of course the evening couldn't possibly be complete unless I get beat at Yahtzee and once again I proved myself worthy of the beating!!  I couldn't roll a Yahtzee even if I paid the Yahtzee Gods!!  My day is complete.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24/2011

It is warm in the bus this morning!!  That is definitely a good sign.  The birds are busy and I just may need the sun screen today!!  Sorry to all the folks back home who are laboring through the -35C weather (-45 with the windchill).
My throat feels like I have swallowed razor blades this morning!!  Wow!  It hurts to cough.  It hurts to swallow.  God - this sucks!!  Hopefully, both John and I are much better by the time Jace and Kim arrive although I see on Facebook that Kim is getting a cold!!  Tis the season!!  Get better Kim, before you have to do the wedding thing in Vegas!!  It is only about 10 more sleeps till we get to see them and pick up the Granddog!!  Coors will have a blast out here.  Perhaps him and Hogan will double team that pesky rabbit that has been taunting Hogan since we arrived!!
Casey was on skype today so I had a great chat with him.  We chatted about an hour and he seems quite pleased with his progress in school.  Please Lord, let this child's dreams come to fruition!!  It was great to talk to him. Life just does not seem to bother him and I envy that in him although a little more ambition wouldn't really hurt!!  He is so lay back.  He looked good though and said the tracker was running good - even in all this hateful, cold weather.  Not bad for not being plugged in!!  John swears by synthetic oil and said he would be fine, even in the cold weather.  I, of course, had my doubts and once again was proven wrong.  However, I feel it is my life's work to continue to doubt John and make his life just that much more interesting!!  What on earth would he do without me!!
There was a bit of a chilly breeze blowing today so I spent most of the day doing a little cleaning and reading - Oh I love to read!!  John worked on the jeep and I now have a list of things to pick up tomorrow in town when I go do laundry.
The day ended quietly, with me once again getting my ass kicked in yahtzee (why do I still play you wonder - I live with an indomitable spirit and a burning desire to of these days!!), supper and TV and then off to bed.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23/2011

It is a bit chilly in the bus this morning and I see that there is ice on the dog water again today.  The birds are busy at the feeder.  I had put some bread crumbs on the ground yesterday and I see that they are still there this morning.  Picky little suckers, aren't  they!!  Of course, why eat bread crumbs when one can eat seeds!!
Jace gave us a quick text last night and asked if we were ready for his and Kim's visit next month.  I said we were and for them to hurry up and get down here!!
I can't believe that in just 8 weeks John and I will be back home in Canada!!  Where has the time gone?  This winter is simply flying by but, the best part is, we are missing all the miserable cold weather back home.  Tonight it is supposed to be -36 with the wind chill and at this stage of the game, that is just too damn cold for me!!  It is too damn cold for anyone!!
I heard some banging going on at the jeep and so I know John is working on it.  John has about as much energy as I do - battling this sore throat is nasty!!  Luckily, Ben came for a visit - finally!!  He has been busy in town but I gave him the gears anyway.  I told him that 5 days was too long to stay away.  He could not believe that it had been 5 days!!  Stupid Men!!
Grace had all sorts of pent up energy to burn off and her and Hogan never stopped running and playing for at least a half hour.  Her stupid little sawed off tail was just wagging - up and down of course!!  Never in my life have I ever seen a dog wag its tail up and down - always side to side!!  This just makes Grace more unique.
Ben and I have a date for Friday - laundry day.  With the kids coming soon, I had better get the laundry done up cause I sure don't want to take time out of their agenda to do laundry.  Kim wants to hike to Vulture Peak - sorry, I can't , have to do laundry!!  NOT!!
With Ben's departure, John resumed his pounding and I of course resumed my reading.  Happy hour arrived then it was time for supper.  Gourmet spaghetti and meatballs!!  I made some biscuits - threw some garlic into the mixture and had garlic biscuits to accompany the meal - nothing too good for us!!  John was not impressed with the biscuits and thought they did not replace the usual garlic toast.  So much for getting gourmet on him!!  The biscuits actually were great (minus the garlic).  They were light and fluffy and I would have no trouble making them again without the garlic.  They would be awesome with jam or marmalade on them.
The day ended with some yahtzee and a bit of TV. The birds were fed, the dogs had their run, we are fed and happy - what else could we possibly ask for?  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22/2011

There is nothing but sunshine streaming through the windows again this morning.  The dog's water dish has ice on it again today but the birds are happier as I filled the feeder yesterday and are currently chowing down.  The doves are waiting below the feeder for the finches to drop seeds to them because they are too big to sit on the feeder.  A good thing, as I would be going through twice as much bird seed as I am.
I haven't heard from Ben since Friday, so I had better get an email off to him and if he doesn't respond then I will phone him.  Got to keep track of all my camping buddies you know!!
Well Ben did email me back and he is doing fine so I was quite pleased to hear from him.
Trueman stopped by and chatted over a cup of coffee.  He seems to have everything under control and although is returning to Minnesota for a funeral, is glad that he will be seeing the rest of his family.  It is a lousy reason for a family reunion but it is this way with so many families and it does not matter if that family is American or Canadian.
John worked on "Frank" again - now has the distributor in and is hoping it is lined up good enough to allow it to start.  Starting and actually running.... now isn't that a concept!!
I sanded a bit more on my saguaro rib walking stick then read a bit and waited for happy hour to arrive.  I had invited Ben for happy hour but he was a "no show" so I will have to give his some grief about that!!
There must have been a horseback ride and cook-out in the desert today as 26 horses and riders passed by the bus today.  What a great day for a ride.
The evening was quiet and uneventful - TV, supper and bed!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21/2011

Sunshine and blue skies!!  With two days of rainy weather behind us, it is nice to see the sun this morning. Hogan and I  much prefer this type of weather when we have our morning coffee Or, like yesterday - green tea.  My throat is still causing me some grief but the tea is soothing.
John ran into a bit of a snag on the wiring of the switches and after much research and some trial and error he thinks he has found out what the issue is so with today's sunshine, he will be able to get outside and continue the rebuild.  Yea!!
Larry and Ariane left today, but not before Trueman confirmed that there was gold in the rock she found.
He also mentioned that he would be flying back to Minnesota to attend the funeral of one of his daughters who had just passed away, losing her battle with stomach cancer.  Cowboy will spend a few days in the kennels as he can't leave him with anyone because he runs away.
All in all, it was a good day.  I am not feeling all that great yet and now John has decided to jump on this bandwagon as well and has started coughing and hacking like an old smoker!!
We sat on the "patio" enjoying the sun and watching Hogan trying to get his rope toy out of a tree.  It was quite fun and John  mentioned that Coors (the granddog) would have simply jumped up and snagged the thing.  Hogan, well he tried to climb the tree and eventually got it down!!  He is not much of a jumper!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20/2011

Fire is Going!

Larry and Ariane Arriving

Could She Get Anymore Clothes On?

Funny Face

Bad Moon Rising
Woke up to rain - no surprise there.  It is -32C back home so I am happy to be here.  Have I mentioned that I sure don't miss the cold!!  I had a quick chat with Gayle back in Leoville yesterday and she says there is lots of snow.  It is hard to believe that in just a couple months we will be planting her garden!!  Now that is another thing I can look forward too.
My throat is still sore and as colds go, it is progressing nicely.  Good thing I brought an extra box of kleenex with me!!  Come on you gorgeous pot of green tea - do your magic!!
It is not looking good for the bbq steak tonight either!!
Larry and Ariane came for a visit.  She wanted me to accompany he to Trueman's mine so that we could ask him if he thought the rock she picked up the other day actually had gold in it.  It sure looks like gold to me and I would be thrilled for her (not to mention green with jealousy) if it was indeed gold.   Being that it had rained and the threat of more was still hanging in the air, off we go, down the not so dusty trail.  We did find the mine but no Trueman.  Al was there and he thought there was a good possibility the there was gold in the rock as well but said that Trueman would know for sure.  Once back at camp, Ariane phoned Trueman (I had his number) and asked him to stop by tomorrow on his way out to the mine and give us the official verdict.  I will keep my fingers crossed for her.!!
Being such a lousy day, we got out the cards and played kaiser for the remainder of the afternoon.  The sun is trying to shine and we have decided to have a campfire tonight.  Larry and Ariane will be leaving again tomorrow for parts unknown - Gila Bend actually, so have one last chance for a fire with them before they leave.  Whether we see them again before heading back to Saskatchewan, I don't know.
We got to have the bbq steak tonight and ate it while watching the first episode of the Amazing Race.  Once that was over, John started the fire and we waited for the Zerrs to arrive.  As you can see by the pics, it was a bit chilly out and John and Larry had to keep adding wood so that we could feel the heat!!  It reminded me a lot of Saskatchewan in the late fall (or, as we remember, last summer!!)  By the time we called it a day, there was frost on the pumpkin!!  Great day, great friends and of course, a great fire.  We even got to watch the moon rising from behind the hill and that topped off the night.  What more could one ask for!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 19/2011

I awoke to gently falling rain this morning and although it was a comforting sound, my throat  remains sore.  Feels like I need to get some warm soothing tea across it's rather angry surface.  Tea always helps, doesn't it?                                                                                                              
It is cloudy today and the forecast calls for rain for the next couple of days.  Oh well, it is the life blood of the desert and is needed.  It mentioned the possibility of thunder and it has been a long time since I have heard that!!
It is steak night so come hell or high water, I am having bbq steak tonight - sore throat and all!!
I see that Jace made it home to Saskatoon, despite the lousy road conditions so I am pleased about that.  He was a bit upset once he got there as, once again, someone unplugged his truck (sitting in the company yard) and, with the weather being sooo cold, the poor thing starts rather roughly- as diesel engines do.  I think it is safe to say, he was not a happy camper!!  Well, 16 more sleeps and he will not have to worry about it.  Him and Kim and the Granddog will be here, in the warm weather!!  It will be nice to spend some time with them - I am not too excited though!!  When I first started the count down, I think it was almost 100 sleeps!!
The rain has continues all day with the occasional thunder and it is just miserable out!!  I spent most of the day reading and of course lets not forget the Yahtzee game.  I think I hate that game!!  If ever there was a reason for divorce!!
My throat stayed sore all day and although the hot toddies did provide a bit of soothing relief!!  Larry and Ariane came over after supper and we played kaiser with the end result being a tie.  She brought over the piece of gold she found and it certainly looks like gold.  Now where is Trueman when we need him!!  She had a couple of rock hounds look at it and they believed it to be gold as well.  Way to go Ariane!!  She also brought me a bracelet and a necklace that she had beaded.  They are both quite pretty.                                                                        
Oh, and by the way, I did not get my bbq steak tonight - John did not want to stand it the rain. I think the  love has gone out of our relationship!!  (I would have stood in the rain for him .... NOT).  Grilled Cheese it was.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Friday, February 18/2011

I awoke to a cloudy day but considering the cold weather back at home, I will not complain.  The dogs spent another good night  and for that I will once again be grateful.
there was no email from Ben this morning so he must not have heard if there is a discharge today.  I will have to phone him a bit later.  Perhaps today, I will get that road trip!!
As John and I were having our morning game of Yahtzee (nothing like a good ass kicking in the morning!!), he asked if the Zerrs were on line today as this was the day they were booked out of the RV park in Brenda.  He was wondering where they were and what they were up to.  I hadn't noticed if they were on line as I was busy talking to one of his cousins on "chat" with Facebook for an hour.  It was good to hear from her and I was able to catch up on all her news.
As it was getting into the early afternoon, I called Ben and the doctors had arrived just as I called and he has been cleared for discharge.  Road trip coming up!!
I quickly got ready and headed down the dusty trail.  Just as I got a bit down the road, I noticed a rather large white semi and trailer parked off to the right (close to Ben's original site - the one with all the bees) and low and behold - it is the Zerrs!!  Remembering that it was "all you can eat fish" night tonight, they drove here hoping to surprise us and go out for supper!!  Now what a coincidence, we had, just this morning, been wondering about them!!  When Ariane found out that I was heading into Surprise to pick up Ben, she jumped into the truck and off the two of us went - leaving Larry in a cloud of dust and a beer cooler in his hands!!  He was headed up the hill to surprise John!!
Once we arrived at the hospital, we found the main entrance and to our surprise, a golf cart pulled up beside us and offered a ride to the door.  What a great little service - out of the truck, onto a golf cart and up to the door - Hell, I could really get used to this kind of service!!  We found Ben easily enough and he was all but ready to get out of this joint!!
The ride home was uneventful with Ben telling us some of his "hospital" stories.  I think he is happy that he will be spending tonight in his own bed!!  He missed Grace and she of course, missed him.  It was a happy reunion!!
With Ben and Grace headed back into town. the four of us enjoyed happy hour in the trailer before we too headed into town for the wondrous fish and fries (me, well I had the loaded burger - a burger,  not to be trifled with!!).  Following supper we of course headed down to the Rancher for karaoke hoping that it would be there as Clyde, one of the owners of the Karaoke business had become ill last week and was in hospital.  As we arrived in the parking lot, the melodious tunes were streaming out the door, so with our drinks in hand, we found a table and sat to enjoy.  John became a dancing fool again last night and was the designated "party animal".  Larry and Ariane eventually call it an evening  and John and I stayed to listen to the final tunes.  What is an evening at the Rancher without the closing number by the singing bartender Dena.  With the final restrains of "Tequila" resounding throughout the bar, the evening came to a close and we were loaded into the taxi and headed home.  Maria, the driver was more than happy to "deliver us from evil"!!  Another $20.00 well spent!!  It is starting to rain - oh goodie!!
Of course, John was not quite ready to hit the sheets so out comes the Yahtzee for one final game of the day.  Who invented this damn game anyway!!
Finally. with my ass kicked again, my sore throat and runny nose, it was off to bed. Where is the damn Vicks!!

Thursday, February 17/2011

The sun is shining today and I am truly grateful as I just looked at the temperature at home and it has once again turned cold.  I checked facebook out and Jace is in the semi somewhere driving through two foot snowbanks with only one lane open on the highway!!  Not good.  Oh how I wish he would quit writing stuff like that for me to see!!  Another grey hair!!
I spoke with Ben this morning.  He is just hanging out waiting for the doctors to decide what direction he needs to head for optimum health.  He sounded good and hopes to come home today so I just may have a road trip today!!
Grace and Hogan are doing well.  John found an old glove for them to play with and between the two of them tugging on it at the same time, I am surprised that there is anything left of it.  We watched the two idiots last night from the "patio" and were quite entertained!!
I headed into town today to pick up some supplies fully expecting to be interrupted by a phone call from Ben saying to come and pick him up.  I had a few stores to hit, one being Alco, where I can purchase a tug-of-war rope for the dogs to play with.  The gloves don't seem to last too long!!
Once back at home, I called Ben and was told "not today".  He would be spending another night at the hospital but hopefully tomorrow would be  the "break out" day!!  He is sounding a bit impatient and I can't hardly blame him.
Knowing  that there would be no road trip today, I got busy with my reading - I love that little Kindle. It is so very handy!!  Being a bit windy today, I sat on the patio and found it was too hot and a sunburn could very easily be on the agenda so I was forced to sit outside to keep a cool breeze on me.
Happy hour arrived and John quit working on "Frank" for the day so once again we retired to the patio to watch the sunset.  I know, it is a tough life!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16/2011

Storm moving in

Must be getting chilly

Getting dark to the west

A little lighter to the north

Storm breaking up

Vulture Peak

Two Sentinels    

Storm moving off


End of the day
I was up early and all was quiet through out the night.  Grace settled in nicely and both dogs slept all night. I am truly happy about this as I really didn't know what I was supposed to do with an unhappy dog!!  Good thing I didn't have to find out!!
It is a bit cloudy out this morning so I will hope that it will clear up a bit later.
I will wait for a phone call from Ben so that I know what is happening and when I need to go pick him up.
I finally got to speak with Jan (well actually Ron) and found out that because of all the changes in the weather, she has been battling a couple of migraine headaches over the past week.  I guess there is some sort of connection between barometric pressure, changes in the weather and her headaches.  This is not new for her and I can't imagine what this must be like to live with.  Hopefully she will start feeling better soon.
While I was shopping yesterday, I saw the cutest Toy Story throws for my niece's two boys.  Apparently, they are crazy about Toy Story so,  no self respecting Aunt should pass up an opportunity to spread a little love.  I picked up one for each of them and then noticed that they come with "sleeves" - now that will really confuse them!!  I text Jan to tell her of my wonderful buy and I could tell by her responses that she was feeling better.  I must remember to send them home with Jace when he comes so that the boys can get them sooner.
I received an email from Ben and he tells us he will be spending another night in Surprise so I guess that means no road trip for me today.
With that in mind, I put two coats of varnish on the little $3.00 table that Ben and I found at the thrift store and I can say now that it is all done.  It looks lovely and is the Cadillac of camping tables!!
John worked on the Jeep again and the dogs played all day.  I was able to do some reading before happy hour came around and because it had remained cloudy all day, John and I got the "canned" fire pit out and sat in the trailer while supper cooked talking about everything and nothing!!
Of course John had to get the camera out and snap a few pics - Did I marry a Japanese tourist???

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15/2011

Well today is the day!! I was up early, in the shower and got my self "pretty" for the trip into Surprise.  A girl can't go to Wal Mart and risk being put on the internet under the "people you see at WalMart"!!
Ben arrived and off we went.  John was supposed to be coming with us but has decided to stay here and work on "Frank".
Ben and I found the place he had his appointment at and after leaving my phone number, so that the girls could get a hold of me and let me know if Ben would be staying the night, I headed to Wal Mart to kill a few hours.  Although this may seem long to some people, I had no problem killing that amount of time.  I eventually got the call and was told that Ben would be staying for the night.  It was time for me to head back to Wickenburg.
Once back in town, I headed to Ben's apartment and picked up Grace.  She will be spending her time here at the campsite with John and I and Hogan.
As it tuns out, Grace seems quiet comfortable here in the motorhome as she curls up on our bed and totally relaxes!!   When I went back to watch my TV in the bedroom (John doesn't like some of the shows I watch), I had both Hogan and Grace to cuddle and I must say, Grace is a better cuddler. John was not quite sure where his place was in bed so had to usher both dogs to there own beds for the night.  Hopefully, Grace settles down nicely and we are all able to get a good night's sleep.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday February 14/2011

Sun going down

Vulture Peak ( Our front yard)

Sunset on Vulture Peak

Trueman ( Our friendly Prospector ) stopped by for a beer

Working on Frankenjeep

We got tunes!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone.  I hope each of you has a good one.  Don't eat too much chocolate!!
It looks as if it is going to be another nice sunny day today and so it should be, being Valentines and all.
Since we still had Ben's truck, I got into gear and headed into town to return it.  Ben was up and working on his walking sticks and Grace was in the back Yard.  She is such a sweet dog.
When Ben drove me back to the campsite, he mentioned that he did not have to be in Suprise till 12:30 tomorrow so, would pick me up around 10:30 and off we would go.  I will drive him home tomorrow after his appointment , there is always the chance that he will stay in Suprise for the night - we will know for sure tomorrow.
With Ben headed back to town and John working on the jeep (I really had no idea all that re-wiring would take sooo long), I finally finished all the painting I am going to do on the table.  Now, all that is left is the final coats of vanish and it is done.  It will be awesome.
John and I watched the sun set again today - it is becoming a ritual with us!!  Once the sun had set and happy hour was over, it was time to think about preparing supper.
Trueman stopped by for a visit just as I was about to start supper (saved again).  It is always such a pleasure to chat with him.  He has a million stories and has an incredible memory for names and dates. I love listening to him. Cowboy is quite a treat as well.  He is well behaved and of course him and Hogan get along well.
Once Trueman left, it was time for supper  (no excuses left for me not to get it ready), some TV and then bed.   With the trip to Supise tomorrow, I must get my rest as I do believe there is a Wal Mart there and we all know that means Shopping!!
Our front yard

Sunday, February 13/2011

Vulture Peak in the background

Another beautiful sunset
It is going to be another hot sunny day today.  It is 8 in the morning and the door to the bus is open and I can feel the heat from the sun shining through the windows.
Happy Birthday to John - it's your birthday - let's party!!
We had a quiet day today.  We had originally planned to go back into town and listen to the jam session at the Rancher but the more we thought of moving, the less appealing it became.  Instead we opted for a quiet, peaceful day here at camp.  God, we must be getting old - well John is!!!  Me, why I'm not getting older - I'm getting better!!  It say so on the Clairol commercial!!
We talked to both the boys today, both sending their happy birthday to John only Casey's greeting came with a "can you lend me some gas money"!!  What a kid!!  He better pass his welding course or I just may have to disown him!!  Please God, if you have any soft spot in your heart for me out on this one!!
I love the new BBQ and tonight's supper was awesome. We finished the evening off watching the Grammy awards and were treated to another fantastic sunset.  What a life!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12/2011

Ben and his sidekick Grace

You want some of this?

This is how you drink Mexican beer!

Give me that! ( Grace and Hogan )

Stub (on right) and his band

Dena ( our favorite bar tender)

Bill ( Dena's better half)

Wayne ( member of the band )

Jeannie ( 93 year young drum player )

Stub and the boys
Nothing but sunshine again today.  Woo Hoo!!  We received an email  from Lone and Marilyn in Mexico yesterday and they seem to be having a good time and the weather has been good as well. They still have a few weeks to relax in the Mexican sunshine before heading back this way.
Today, I hope to get the table finished and of course read a bit.  Ben is coming for supper so I want to get the preparations for that out of the way so that we can just sit and relax when he arrives.  John wants to continue the work on the jeep, so he will be busy as well.  Hogan and I should gather a bit of wood so that we can have another campfire tonight.  It is shaping up to be a busy day - I better have another cup of coffee!!
I didn't quite get to the table today, instead kept my face buried in my latest novel!!  Oh well, tomorrow is another day and really, what else do I have to do?
Ben arrived and the two of us set out on a wood gathering errand and returned back to camp with enough for a couple of nights burning.  Happy hour was upon us and John was finished with the jeep for today so, we sat in the sunshine enjoying the close of the day.  John was the official cook for tonight's supper.  I had arranged for Ben to bring out a small birthday cake so that we could celebrate John's birthday (which is really tomorrow) tonight.  The dogs played tug-a-war  with what remained of a stuffed bear (currently unrecognizable!!).  Supper was great and then it was time for Ben to head back into town.  He had offered us the use of his truck for John's birthday tomorrow, so we dove Ben back to the apartment then stopped at the Bar 7 for a drink.  It was very quiet, with only six other people there.  We had a chat with the girls then headed to the Rancher.  Me, being the designated driver was content to sit and drink my "virgin" coke and water and listen to the music.  Stub and the band were up on stage performing and it was great (as usual).  He even sang me my song - Tumbling Tumble Weeds.  Now how much more perfect could that be?  On the drive home, I did manage to hit a rabbit and John called me a "bunny killer" all the way home.  Now don't you know that it was a baby and had its whole life to live and I heartlessly killed it!!  Not only that, it probably had 15 siblings that were going to miss it ..... shut up already - go to sleep !!!
Another good day, fun was had by all well, maybe not by the unfortunate dead rabbit!!