Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sunday, June 15th / Saturday, June 21st 2014

Oppps - stuck and need winch!!
It is rally day today.  With three quads down for the count, there was some wrangling around and the only one to stay here in town was Jimmy and he was feeling a bit under the weather!!  He had too much fun last night!!
Several of us "had too much fun" last night and I hear that Preston did an incredible "Running Man" impersonation.  It was mentioned that he perhaps ran at least 5 miles, never once leaving the man cave or spilling his drink!!   Now that,  I would have loved to see!!
We managed to start the rally by 12:30 which was pretty good considering several in the group only had about 3 hours sleep!!  Remarkably, there is no rain as yet but the sky is overcast and super threatening!!
A little muddy - A LOT MUDDY

Leoville warm up shelter
The first part of the trail was real muddy although that really was not a big surprise considering all the rain we have had over the past month.   Many of us got stuck, some requiring the use of a winch to extricate ourselves from the mucky mire while others simply hopped off their machines and walked them through the mud.  Thank heavens for chest waders!!
One little girl - Susie (on her first quad ride), riding behind Evan (a new fellow riding with us this year) was rather rudely introduced to the ugliness of the mud by getting plastered with the evil stuff in the first mud hole we came across.  Unfortunately, that was to be the theme of the day for her as she was by far the "dirtiest"rider of the day!!  She was a trooper though and somehow managed to enjoy the day!!

Scott O
The snowmobile club has been busy at the shelter and there is now the makings of a deck.  Although it is not quite finished, there was a good start to it and once it is done, it will look awesome.   The shelter has the front end of a snowmobile up on the roof of the shelter (a nice touch by the way) and of course Scotty had to climb up there for a "Kodak" moment.  What a goof!!

Back on the trail and more mud.

Evan at Vimy trying to clean the mud off his quad.
It was shortly after this that his engine seized and he
had to be towed through the rest of the rally behind the Commander.

Getting the rad clean!!    When going to leave though, this
fellow forgot he was in "forward" and sunk his quad in the lake.
Luckily the snorkels stayed above the water line!!

Preston, Scott, Jill, Kim, Chris
We all managed to get to the half way point without any breakdowns.  Preston, who had already passed his last years breakdown spot was all smiles!!  Maybe this would be the rally that he actually finished without a breakdown!!   We filled up on hotdogs and once that was done, headed for the last half of the rally trail.   The rain had stayed away so far but the skies were starting to look threatening.
We took the "dry" trail back and that in itself was an oxymoron.  There was NO "dry" trail!!  We did come across another rider stuck up to his eyeballs in the mud and it was a good thing that Scott and Jill were riding with John and I (ahead of our own group) as it took both winches to get this young man and his mud laden, frozen girlfriend out of his predicament!!  Apparently he had been struggling for over an hour to get out and that would have been a lost cause.
Preston and Casey in the Commander

Scott, Kelly, John, Marie and Jill

Kimmy and Jill
The beverages flowed freely and I think everyone had a good time.  It did start raining before we made it to the final trail that would eventually lead us back to the north grid but with the final beer stop at the grid, we sucked it up and drove the final 8 miles into town.  We got back with an awesome sunset in the sky and it just getting dark.   All in all, it was an awesome day with only one quad breaking down and that was Evan and Susie.   Preston, on the other hand was doing the happy dance as he had finally completed a full rally without a breakdown.  He was more than happy to tow Evan home as in his mind (and who really knows what goes on in Preston's mind) he was "giving back to the community"!!   What a goof!!   One truly has to love Preston!!
Scott and Jill

Scott, Jill and Marie
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Back at the yard, it was time to get the burgers, smokies and potato salad ready.  Thank heavens I had made the burgers the day before and had the salad ready.   Preston, Kayla and Kelly all had to get back to Saskatoon tonight for work in the morning so they quickly ate and headed out.  Midnight is probably not a good time to travel but one has to do what they have to do!!  Next year, maybe they will take the Monday off…..it is better that way!!
With our stomachs full, and beverages consumed,  eventually everyone found their way to bed.  Another day over and success on the trail.    Life is Good and even better when spent with great friends and family.

Sunday, June 8th / Saturday, June 14th 2014

New spot for the fire pit.   Rock hauled in
This week we managed to get the fence done by the garden.  Now the garden area is completely closed off from the yard and the dogs are now contained in the yard.  I no longer have to worry about any of the grand dogs getting out and roaming the town!!   That alone will give me great peace of mind when the children arrive on Friday!!  Once again, John changed his mind as to how he wanted to finish the fence and now we have fence board up which will provide a wind break for the campfire.
We will be moving the fireplace that Casey welded for us into the enclosure and now have wind guard on all sides.  It will be quite cozy in there once it stops RAINING!!

The kids arrived late Friday night……they had truck trouble so once Jace and Kimmy and Jeff and Moose arrived, they dropped their quads and had to travel back 70 kms to rescue Chris.  Sounds like transmission issues - yikes!!
Eventually, everyone arrived safe and sound and the party weekend started!!
Saturday was the quad ride that the pictures for were posted in May so go back and take a look at them again.  It was fun but Jace's, Casey's and Jimmy's quads all bit the dust so there will have to be some finagling tomorrow as to who rides what on the rally!!

Sunday, June 1st / Saturday, June 7th 2014

Pallet shelf for the Man Cave
This week included lots of preparations for the influx of company that will decent upon the yard for the Father's Day Quad Rally on the 14th and 15th of this month.
With the continuing rain, it was hard to get the gates built and constructed but between the showers and sometimes during them, we did manage to get them up.  It is a good thing we bought all the hardware from the States as it sure came in handy as we didn't have to make any trips to the store.  It was just build,  and get the damn things up and working.  Casey was a great help with the project and I for one was glad he was here to lend a hand.   Now I have two men limping in the yard!!
I don't think either Hogan or Roxy are too terribly impressed by the gates as this now greatly curtails their roaming ability….not that Hogan ever ventures too far away from us!!
John got busy and constructed a "shelf" made out of a pallet ( he saw that on Facebook!!) and it actually turned out quite nice.  It is now sitting in the man cave ready for what ever knick knacks John wants to put on it.
Roxy and Hogan enjoying the Man Cave
With the continuing rain, we have all taken refuge in the man cave and that is a good thing.  Even the dogs have settled in nicely and make themselves quite comfortable.  Man…..will it ever stop raining???
John has managed to cut the grass once and a second cut will be needed before the kids arrive but that is "iffy" as to whether it will be done or not.   It just will not quit raining…….

Monday, May 18th 2014 - Saturday, May 31st 2014

First load of wood
This was the start of two weeks of busy.  I worked 7 out of the 14 days plus John and I had to make a quick trip into Saskatoon to pick up Casey who will be convalescing with us for a few weeks since having more surgery on his left leg.  This time is was for removal of some of the "hardware" in his leg.
We did manage to gather a load of wood for the fire place although I am afraid that one load is not going to cut it when it comes to the amount of fires we have in the fire pit.    Despite the fact that it has been raining a lot, we do manage a few fires in between the showers.
Gold Finches at the feeder
Saturday, June 14th ride
I am not sure why these pics posted to this time period as this occurred the Saturday before the Father's Day weekend.  It was a gorgeous day (no rain) and fun was had by all…..well for the most part although I am sure Jill G and Maria were not impressed with the bath they both took in the mud puddle!!
Jace having problems with his quad - two miles out
of town and then left in the bush!!


Jill G and Maria go swimming

And this water was totally muddy and nasty!!
Even Kimmy took a swan dive into this puddle!!

Lots of water


Jimmy O

Huard Lake Shelter

Clearwater Lake

Top of Mystery Hill.    Another quad down and out and
towed back to the road to be picked up later!!

Mystery Hill

Kimmy and Moose

Kimmy stylin

Scott O

Jill G and Maria

Jace and Kim

Vimmy Lake


Road home

Nice Sunset
All in all, it was a great day and fun was had by all.  We got home before the rain set in and since it was Saturday, that meant it was steak night!!  Yummy!!
The party continued until the wee hours of the morning!!