Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday, March 15/2015 - Saturday, March 21/2015

This week brought us St. Patrick's Day. This meant corned beef and cabbage, green beer, green clothing and accessories.  Lorne and Marilyn took Wayne and Teresa over to Cave Creek to check out and the little trendy shops and then headed over to the Irish Pub for a green beer before arriving back here for supper.
One of Kay's bosses was down for a bit of a vacation this week. He was staying with Mitch and the two of them hit a few of the golf courses and took in the Nascar race at Phoenix International Raceway.
I had invited both Mitch and Jeff for supper along with Mary Beth and her son Gage so we had a total of 12 possible guests. I cooked three corned beef roasts in two slow cookers and Kay did her "special" barbecued butter/garlic cabbage wedges. Mmmm, the meal was delicious and Gage was the only one that did not show up but we sent a plate home with his Mom just in case he had not eaten.
We totally enjoyed the evening and the javalina did show up so Wayne and Teresa got their pictures and were quite happy with seeing my "little babies"!!
We managed to sneak in another trip to Box Canyon this week as well. Teresa apparently loves a good campfire and a good hot dog cooked over the open flame so Kay and I had bought some "dogs" and buns earlier in the week in case the opportunity arose.
The weather was rather overcast but there was no rain so the day turned out rather well. Felix (Wayne and Teresa's dog) ran around like crazy and I think out of all of us, enjoyed the day the most. Man, he has energy like no other!! I think Hogan thought he was nuts with all the running and exploring he did!!
I had made a potato salad from the left overs from the previous night so we ate like royalty again today. Roasted hot dogs and potato salad.....Mmmm, life is good!!
On the way out of the canyon, Lorne and the crew saw a few goats on the cliffs so of course had to stop for a Kodak moment.

Teresa, Lorne and Wayne
Mary Beth and Marilyn
Teresa and Wayne cuttin a rug or, should I say patio

Kay and Marilyn
Everyone eating
The Javalina showed up for Wayne and Teresa
A day at Box Canyon

Teresa, Marilyn and Lorne
Wayne and Teresa
Happy hour at the motel
Drinks and dinner at the Feed Co

MB posing with her sign
 We thought they may have got stuck in some of the deep sand but eventually came along and we made our way to the pavement and home.
We had one last night out on the town this week before our guests did a road trip to Tucson and Tombstone. We headed over to the motel for happy hour, chatted for a few hours, then headed over to the Wickenburg Feed Company where the party continued finally ending in a good meal and more memories!!
Friday was spent quietly with everyone recovering from the hectic week. John, Kay and I have started to watch the last season of the Sons of Anarchy and are once again enjoying the show. It is the final season so we are hoping that it ends well!! Not likely considering all the murder and mayhem that has been happening so far.

Saturday found us out on the quads marking a trail over to San Domingo Wash. We need to find the way over there so that when we make the big loop around Wickenburg Mountain, we can easily find the trail back home. This has been an issue the last two times we have tried it and although we eventually did find our way home, we took many side trails in the process.
It was a good day on the quads with Marybeth joining us today. She loves to be out in the desert and her and Kay took the side by side so everyone had a ride. Hogan stayed at home as it is just getting too hot out for him to spend the entire day on the quads. He was not impressed!!
We arrived back at home in the dark but it was another great ride.
Steak and baked potatoes finished off the evening then it was time for bed.
We did start to watch the final for the world women's curling championship but sleep got in the way so will have to find out who won tomorrow!!
All in all, it has been a very busy week so I am looking forward to tomorrow for some much needed relaxation.


At old pump site

Old mine site we found

Mine shaft

Lots of cement work

Mary Beth and Marie in the shade

Spring in the Desert

Girls at the Wall

Water flowing down the wash

From the top of the Wall

Another awesome sunset

The last leg home