Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sunday, June 5/2016 - Saturday, June 11/2016

A busy week is once again in front of us.
Monday started out with a four hour inservice on TLR (transfers, lifts and repositioning) at the home so I hit the floor running Monday morning as it started at 8:00 a.m.   We were done at noon and by that time it was as hot as all get out and time to just sit in the shade.
The garden is well on its way but the ground is dry so I spent three days watering.  Of course my fancy new sprinkler (which worked just fine last year)  didn't seem to want to work this year so Gary borrowed me his and all was once again "well" with the world.  I can not believe how quick the seeds germinated.  It looks like we will be having a lush and bountiful garden again this year.
John and I finally went on our first quad ride of the season this week and it was awesome to get out into the forest.  The roses were in full bloom and the smell was incredible.  We headed down into the block and stopped at Deer Lake where Cooper enjoyed frolicking in the water.  It took him a bit to get used to it but he soon was in and out of it like a trooper.
We were blessed to see a family of Canada Geese right by the shoreline and the four little goslings were still yellow so they were very young.  It didn't take Mom and Dad long to swim away from shore to protect their family from us and our camera!!
Cooper loved being out there and all the new smells kept him quite busy.  At one stop along our travels today, the dandelions were taller than he was!!
It was a great day, in the forest and the first of many I am hoping.  Cooper sat on my lap the whole day so I will be covered with little bruises from his toenails but he seemed to enjoy the day and bruises fade!!
Wednesday brought another few hours at the nursing home for our annual safety meeting.  It was a "pot luck" lunch and as usual, all the different salads and desserts were scrumptious.  The burgers, which Ronnie barbequed were awesome and it wasn't long before we were all stuffed!!  It was a long meeting, especially after eating all that food!!
We were supposed to be leaving for Saskatoon after the meeting but we just couldn't get our asses into gear.  It was very hot outside (John and Cooper had taken refuge in the man cave where it was MUCH cooler) and I was in no mood to start packing to get ready!!  Instead, we watched the first televised preseason game of the CFL.
Because we didn't leave on Wednesday, that meant we had to be up and out of town by 8:00 a.m. on Thursday.  John had an appointment in Saskatoon at 11:00 and we made it with 10 minutes to spare!! After the appt, John drove me around Saskatoon to do all our shopping and once that was done, we met Jace at his semi shop, had a few beer and waited for Kimmy to get off work.  Tonight was the Garth Brooks concert and we were all excited to hear his music.
I picked Kimmy up at work and her and I headed to Warman where we met the guys.  We all got ready for the concert then headed over to a local bar/restaurant where is was "burger and a beer" night so we ordered, ate and headed to the concert.
We rode with Kylee and Amy who had joined us for supper as they too were going to the concert.
As usual, we had to park several blocks from the venue so walking was in my near future.  Of course my hips protested and all the kids agreed that I needed to get a handicap sticker for our vehicle.  That way NONE of us would of had to walk very far!!  Halfway to the stadium, I was thinking they might have a very good idea!!
We made it to the concert, found our seats and enjoyed one of the best concerts we have ever seen.  John and I have been to a ton of concerts and I must say, this one stands out as one, if not the best one ever!!  Garth Brooks truly is a master at his craft.  The fact that the band and the back up singers have all been with him for over 20 years certainly tells you that not only is he an awesome singer, but must be an awfully nice man to work with.  The one band member, I think it was his fiddle player is called "the rookie" as he had been with the band the least number of years and that was 22!!  It was a wonderful way to spend an evening.
We managed to get back to Warman in good time and we sat around the kitchen table for a bit enjoying the conversation.  Unfortunately, both Amy and Kimmy had to work the next day so full out partying was out of the question.  We all headed to bed around 1:00 and I am sure we were all glad to be there.  The concert was 3 1/2 hours long and sitting in those stadium chairs can be a bit trying so I am sure everyone was happy to finally "stretch out"!!  I know I sure was.
John and I travelled back to Leoville the following day and it was good to get back to the quiet of our little town after the hustle and bustle of the "big city".
Both Gary and Dave and Shirley came over for a beer before supper.  Gary had just returned from work and Dave and Shirley had just returned from picking up a "new to you" truck camper so John and I had to go take a look at it.  It is cute and will do them just fine for a few camping/fishing trips to the nearby lakes.  It will be fun to go out for a few days and enjoy the forest and the lakes.  I am thinking Cooper will enjoy that too!!
I worked a night shift on Saturday and that finished out this week.  Once again, a busy week behind us.  At this rate, our days are simply flying by.

Cooper checking out the water

Wild roses

At the old boathouse


The Garth Brooks concert

Food first

The end

Jace teaching Cooper tug o war with Coors

Sunday, May 29/2016 - Saturday, June 4/2016

Sheldon got the garden rototilled and ready for planting so on Sunday, Shirley and I got everything in the ground except for the potatoes.  My hips were on a constant protest so thought the potatoes could wait for another day.  As it happened, the rains came and the spuds were not in the ground until Tuesday!!  Either way, the garden is now done so all that remains is to sit and watch it grow!!

Apparently this is a favorite pose!!
The weather has been rainy and cloudy and often chilly this week but I hear that it is supposed to be getting warmer.  That would be a good thing.
We travelled to Meadow Lake this week and bought a new riding mower and a weed wacker so now John can cut the grass and perhaps the mosquitos can just leave the yard!!  They love tall grass so there will be no reason for them to stay!!
Cooper has managed to escape the yard and terrorize the town children with his puppy antics so John had to screw a board on the bottom of the fence where he makes his great escape!!  He loves kids and whenever he hears them, he rushes to the fence in the hopes of playing with them!!  Well, that just doesn't work for everyone, especially the little girl who is terrified of dogs!!  Gosh, I can not wait until this "puppy" phase is over!!
We took another trip down the north road this week and met Dave and Shirley on their way back to town.  They had left a bit earlier to do some shooting with Dave's little 22 rifle.   When they saw us, they turned around and joined us for a refreshment at mile 13 and both John and Dave did some target practise with the gun.  Of course the "target" was an abandoned 1 pound propane bottle so before too long the air stunk like propane!!  Cooper didn't seem to mind the sound of the rifle so that perhaps is a good thing.  He was more interested in all the different smells again.  He did find some horse shit to sample!!
I have a few more shifts scheduled at the nursing home this week and that is a good thing.  Time to get back into gear.  Hopefully my hips cooperate.
Another awesome week has come and gone......  Life is good!!

Cooper checking out the new mower

He is certainly a cuddly little thing

Sunday, May 22/2016 - Saturday, May 28/2016

An old church I stopped and checked out on the way back from Jimmy O's
We had borrowed Jimmy O's truck to bring the new 5th wheel home with so John had to return it the next day.  I was scheduled to work so he went himself and ended up exploring the back roads on the way home.  He came across an awesome old church and stopped to check it out.  From the pictures, one can see that it is indeed one of the sweet little treasures that dot our Saskatchewan landscape.

Driving the back roads

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 Cooper is settling into the yard and all his energy is certainly not wasted.  He is forever on the go.  He is definitely all puppy and as curious as all get out.

Cooper taking in his new surroundings 
 This week we did have a small fire and it was awesome.  Cooper loved it and although he does not seem to like as much heat as Hogan did,  he certainly liked the blue pillow that lay beside the fire pit.

Cooper relaxing by the fire

Taking in the glow

Our first fire of the year
 We sold the Arizona truck this week and that was a good thing.   Now all that is left is the little white trailer and the camper.
We finally took the first trip down the north road this year.  We saw a few deer and they all looked pretty darn skinny.  I don't think the winter season was too terribly kind to them.
We ended up at Vimy Lake and sat in the chairs for a bit while Cooper explored the shoreline and the water.   He is quite the goof and ran all over with his nose to the ground sniffing at all the different scents.

Drive down the north road

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 Gary decided to come to Vimy with us and that in itself is an adventure.  We were all sitting quietly enjoying the lake and the calm solitude of the forest (beer in hand) when all of a sudden we heard a ripping sound.  We looked over at Gary and his chair had finally given up and he was sitting on the ground!  It was a Kodiak moment to say the least!!

Drive to Vimy Lake

Cooper checking out the water

Garry - his Kodiak moment!!

The poor thing doesn't have enough toys
so has to play with milk jugs!!

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It was another good week although again, it was busy.  I am wondering just when it is going to settle down!!