Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29/2010

Well, it is the day after that rather disappointing loss for our Roughriders and the sun is shining and the birds are singing. There is life after football!!
Today I think we will be getting things ready to head down the road. We have been at this spot for more than two weeks now and it is time to move on. It will be nice to come back to this area when the jeep is running and we can explore the trails. Perhaps in March when we have to meet our son Jace. He has a wedding to attend in Las Vegas and want us to babysit the Granddog.
Perhaps we will meet him here and do some exploring. Vegas isn't that far away from here.
It is windy like crazy today and the sand is certainly flying. Maybe we will wait until tomorrow to pack up the campsite and leave on Wednesday.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday, November 28/2010

GREY CUP DAY. GO RIDERS GO!! We can't wait till game time. While sitting here writing this blog, I can't help but wonder if this year, is the year. I certainly hope so and will send even more good mojo to the Green and White than I did last weekend for the Western Semi Finals. It would be totally awesome for the fans (not to mention, the players) if we won the cup. The fans, that have taken over the celebrations in Edmonton and out number the Montreal fans tenfold!! The fans, that I do believe will get a covered stadium to watch their beloved team play. The fans, that buy the most team jerseys and team parafinalia than any other team in the league. And yes, the fans, that dress up like fools, with watermelons on their heads - these fans deserve a Grey Cup win. GO RIDERS GO!
Well, long story short - we lost the game so now we are looking toward next year and once again cheering for the team we love to hate!! Mosaic Stadium will once again be filled to capacity and the team will continue to have immeasurable support as once again we cheer and hope for another chance at the 2011 Grey Cup Game.

Saturday, November 27/2010

Another absolutely beautiful day!! How many of these can one person take!!
Tomorrow is the Canadian equivalent to the American Superbowl. It is the 98th GREY CUP!!
To get ourselves into gear for it we had to watch the College Vanier Cup. Calgary was playing against Laval and Calgary was slaughtered by the East. Not a good omen!! The boys played in a typical snowstorm. It was snowing so hard that you couldn't see the yard lines!! At least the Grey Cup is being held in Edmonton this year and unlike last weeks game when the guys played in -25 windchill, the weather is supposed to be clear and a balmy -5C. WooHoo!! A heat wave!!
Tonight's campfire was lovely. I swear it was warmer tonight than last night.
Our entertainment tonight was provided once again courtesy of Mr Chipmunk and Hogan. Our poor little puppy will be exhausted by the time he goes to bed!!
A couple of Rhinos came by and one stalled on the trail by the bus so one of the young men came over and asked to use the booster cables. Hogan immediately let him know not to come too close and the young man called out to make sure that it was okay to walk into camp. It is good to know that Hogan will do that and looks intimidating enough to cause some worry.
It wasn't too long before he was up and running again and the kids were off to have more fun in the dark. We said good bye with a "have fun and be careful" and off they went. It is funny that somehow, being parents never ever quite leaves us - even when the kids belong to someone else. Peace and quiet once again surrounded us.

Friday, November 26/2010

A bit windy here this morning but the sun is shining and it is not -25C like it is back at home. Can life get any better??
Hogan and I have gathered enough wood to have at least tonight's fire and one for tomorrow.
John is once again measuring and figuring what else needs to be ordered for the jeep and I am trying to solve yet another murder!! You have got to love a good novel.
The wind eventually died down and we had a wonderful fire. It is so quiet out here (now that all he little quadders have gone to sleep!!). The skies are clear and one can see a billion stars AND if you listen real closely, you can hear a wise old owl hooting somewhere up in the surrounding hills. It truly is peaceful - God's country.
The one thing John and I have not heard on these quiet evenings are coyotes. I am sure they must be around but we have not heard one little yap or bark from these elusive canines. As a matter of fact, we have not seen anything but a few birds and Hogan's friend - Mr Chipmunk since we arrived here in the desert outside of Parker, Az. I am missing my Wickenberg doves and the cute little quails. Soon, my pretties, soon!!

Thursday, November 25/2010

Another great day. It is the American Thanksgiving Day today and there have been lots of RVs traveling past us since yesterday. It looks like it is going to be a busy weekend around here. I have never seen so many toy haulers in my life. It is quite exciting sitting here in our lawn chairs, beverage in hand watching all the action!!!
Lots of riders out on the trails today as well. The vehicles come is all sizes and shapes. Lots of buggies, RZRs, quads and Rhinos. The riders come in a multitude of ages as well. I did notice that most of the vehicles have the long whip flags on the backs of their quads, buggies, even their dirtbikes!! A couple of them are even lit and look totally awesome in the dark as they are driving by - I want one!! People are friendly, many of them wave on their way by. Hogan just stand and watches. He seems rather intrigued as well although he is much more interested in a little chipmunk that has been causing him some grief!! Imagine the little thing not standing still for Hogan to check out!! It is entertainment at its best just watching the cat and mouse game they have going on!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24/2010

Awake and the sun is already shining. Woo Hoo!! Looks like I just may be able to "work on my tan"!! I noticed that it was only -20C today at home. Bundle up nice and warm and keep your ears covered!!
Yesterday we found out that Casey had been accepted back into the welding program at SIAST and he seems pleased and so excited about it. I think he is finally ready to buckle down and get his life on track. Thank You God. I am so excited for him as well and am sending lots of good mojo his way (not to mention - money!!)
Hogan and I were on the wood detail again today. We are planning a couple of campfires this weekend so we might just as well start collecting wood - which, by the way, is in abundance around here. Too bad this was not the case around Wickenberg. There is very limited wood around there. Oh well, not to worry - we had enough last year and I can't imagine us not finding enough this year too.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23/2010

Chilly again this morning ..... need I say more? Hogan and I eagerly awaiting the sun!!
The sun eventually did show up, along with the wind and some clouds. Consequently, I only was able to sit out absorbing some vitamin D for a short time - then had to put my sweats and bunny hug on.
John put the fancy Lightforce lights on the jeep today so once it gets running properly, we will have awesome light to assist the headlights to see our way off the trails in the dark. Real nice to have when you need them. This summer we ended up on a rather extended trip in the forest and had to use the extra lights on the trail and we lite up the trail in front of us so much that two quads benefitted from them!! It was great!
The decision has been made and John ordered the fuel injection for the jeep - finally!!
Oh, and in case you are wondering, I got my ass kicked in Yahtzee - again!! Maybe I should find a different game!!

Monday, November 22/2010

It was a bit chilly in the bus this morning and Hogan and I both hating the cold, turned on the heaters to warm us up!! Once the sun comes over the hill, it will be much warmer. Today, my mission is to contact my sister since I have not spoken to her for several days. One would think that she should not allow work and her life to get in the way of our sisterly conversations. How else am I supposed to get all the gossip from back home!!
As the day progressed, we both sat out in the sun having our green tea (since we decided to try giving up coffee), I (of course) got my ass kicked in Yahtzee and John mucked with the jeep again. Today he had a couple of the wheels off and discovered that it had all the proper axles on it so that was a good thing and then he pounded out some sort of a dent in the wheelwell.
Another good day!!

Sunday, November 21/2010

Today is the day!! Football is the game - the much anticipated rivalry continues between the Calgary Stampeders and the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Go Riders Go!!
Up early and waiting - our little gnome "Rider" waiting and both John and I in our rider fleece pants!! How much more good mojo can we put into the Universe?
Seven hours of football later.....the Riders are going to the Grey Cup!! WooHoo, Hip Hip Hooray and Holy Smokes!! Those players had to play typical November football - out in the snow and the cold. It started at -18 and ended up at -25 with the windchill!! It started snowing before the 4th quarter was over!! It was great, no one had an advantage - everyone on the field battled each other and the elements!! It was awesome. Next week, it is Riders against the Montreal Alouettes. A redemption game for the Riders and hopefully they come away with the always coveted Grey Cup.

Saturday, November 20/2010

Today John mucked with the jeep again - not sure what he is up to but can't seem to make up his mind as to replace the carb or put fuel injection on it. Decide for crying out loud - you are driving me crazy!! Maybe that is his plan?? Well, we will see who drives who crazy by the time we are finished this adventure!!
Tomorrow is the East and West Finals to see who goes to the Grey Cup so our day will be full - must relax today and save our energy. I just know that I will have to help the boys win!! John is watching the University finals today to see who plays in the Vanier Cup next weekend and I am busy solving the latest murder mystery. Such a busy life!!
Tonight's fire was much better - no wind. Once again, John BBQ'd an awesome supper. There are even leftover T-bones for Hogan.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19/2010

I see that it is -26C today at home and once again I can't help but think how lucky John and I are to be able to spend the winter months down here where it is warm and sunny. The sun has finally risen above the hills and although it may not be as warm today as it was yesterday it is still lovely out. The desert wind has made its presence known today.
As it turns out, today was another quiet day. Although there were some "locals" out firing off some rounds from their various weaponry. Hogan is scared of the sound and makes a beeline into the bus when he hears it!!
We had a small fire tonight but the wind was a factor and we had to keep it small.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 18/2010

Today was another beautiful day. It was warm and sunny and I now have a definite suntan!! Hogan and I went and gathered some wood for a fire this weekend and I must say that we had to take several rests because it was just too hot in the sun. We managed to get enough for at least one fire, maybe two, so that is enough for now. I take Hogan with me so that he will alert to any creatures that may be chilling in the shade, away from the hot sun (like snakes and scorpions).
Two sets of eyes is better than one and we all know how good my eyes are!!
I won a game of Yahtzee today - yahoo!! See, I told you it could happen.
John parked the jeep up the trailer ramp today and ran it so that the radiator could circulate and burp any air that may be in the system. He thinks there may have been an air lock in it and that is why it heated the other day. That would be an easy solution now wouldn't it!!
I spoke to Jan today and it is snowing like crazy back home. I sure don't miss all that nonsense.

Wednesday, November 17/2010

Another nice day today. I spoke with my sister and it is cold back home with another snowstorm heading their way. Our oldest son Jace is back in the semi and is driving on all these roads once again so I worry about that. And, our youngest son Casey now has wheels so I have him to worry about as well. Once a mom, always a mom!! I have sent the Angel of the Road to watch over both of them.
Another quiet day today. John googleing for stuff to buy for the jeep. All in all, another good day and only 113 more sleeps until Jace and his girlfriend Kim come see us in Wickenburg!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16/2010

Got up before the sun today. It is a bit chilly without it so am eagerly awaiting for it to pop it's face over the surrounding hills. Hogan is out, checking out the perimeter and I don't hear any noise so all must be well.
Once again, it was a lazy day. I finished my book, grabbed some sun, got slaughtered in yahtzee - the usual busy day!! One has got to love these lazy days. We spoke with friends of ours and they are leaving the cold weather next week and heading south as well so hopefully we will see them before too long. It will be nice to spend some time with them and hopefully do some of the old mining trails again. We had better get that jeep running a bit better - John!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15/2010

As usual, Hogan and I are up early and once again the sun is shining. I'm not sure what is on the agenda for today but perhaps Hogan and I will climb the trail that the jeeps took yesterday just to see what we can see. Or, maybe we will just work on our suntans.
Hogan and I opted NOT to walk the jeep trail today as it is covered with rocks and with the weather being so darn warm yet, I am sure that there are still some rattlesnakes out and about and they love sunning themselves on the warm rocks. And me, being a cowardly prairie girl ( or should I say prudent) decided to stay in the campsite and read.
John spent the day deciding what needed to be fixed on the jeep. I wonder if this will send us over "budget"!! Oh yea, I remember that word from last year!!
We heard gun shots today, boy, haven't heard those since last year!! A sound we definitely do not hear in Canada unless you are in the forest, during hunting season. Welcome to America.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, November 14/2010

Woke up to sunshine again but today, the wind seems to want to make itself known. There is often a wind here in the desert.
Today is football day, with both the Eastern and the Western Semifinals on TV. Go Riders Go. I must have our "rider"gnome propped up and watching too!! Must get our fleece Rider pants on as well and send lots of good mojo to Darian Durant's playbook.
I was sitting here having my coffee this morning when what must have been the local jeep club came by and started climbing the cliff next to the bus. There must have been about 8 jeeps all set up for rock climbing and away they went - up the trail. Hell, I didn't even realize there was a trail there!! I got the Flip out so I hope I got some decent film of them. Our Jeep was pointed in the right direction so I hope it got a good look at exactly what is expected!!
Well seven hours of football is enough for anyone but the Roughriders won and now we are headed to Calgary next weekend to play the Stampeders and hopefully take the West and Rider Nation into the Grey Cup on the 28th of November!! Go Riders Go!! I must say though, that I don't think there is another team in the CFL that makes their fans suffer as much as the Riders do!!! Double Overtime!! *#!#&*^ Oh my shattered nerves!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday, November 13/2010

Well, since we dealt with everything that needed to be dealt with yesterday, today is going to be a quiet, relaxing day. The sun is shining so will have to sit in the lawnchairs and get our daily dose of vitamin D!! I see that the temperature back home is in the minus range again, so can't help thinking how lucky we are to be here and not there!!
While catching the rays, I was challenged to a game of yahtzee and as usual got my ass kicked - again. You may ask yourself, "why does she continue to play, when she get beat so bad". Well the short answer is -- I could win, it could happen and I live with a perpetual hope that maybe today is the day, the Yahtzee Gods will smile upon me!!
I spent the afternoon reading and helping the writer solve a murder and John looked under the hood of the jeep, trying to decide what to do next - come on, throw a match to it!! Do it!!
The day concluded with a wonderful BBQ steak and an awesome fire.

Friday, November 12/2010

With yesterday's adventures behind us, I wondered what today had in store. The trailer needed to be turned so that when we did get the hitch fixed, we could hook up to it and get out of Dodge!!
The big question was - Will the jeep start today and will it run long enough for us to winch the trailer around so that it is sitting in a position for the bus to be able to hook up to it?
The sun is shining and it was only right that we should enjoy it and start on our suntans!! With the coffee drank, John headed over to the jeep and to my amazement, it started!! Yeah, maybe I won't set it on fire after all!! About an hour later, with a bit of ingenuity, the trailer was where it needed to be - hooray!! The jeep heated, I could hear the rdiator boiling but it lasted long enough to do the job. It really has some issues - ones that had better be worked out when we get to Wickenburg.
With the trailer issue worked out, we headed back into Parker with the bus. Off roading again, we managed to get to the pavement without ripping any important parts or pieces off the bus. The first welding shop we found (thanks to the GPS) was closed. The second shop we went to looked like the yard from "Sanford and Son" (a total mess of junk and old cars - Oh my God!!).
As it turned out, we met a cacophony of characters. One being, "No Shoes", yes, that is what everyone called him. Apparently the fellow, dressed only in a pair of pants, had never worn shoes a day in his life!!. Then there were the ladies, perched on an old couch in the yard, drinking beer. One thought that John should let her come live with him in the motorhome! Then along came a rather large man who told John that he was dying - his liver and kidneys were shot and he just didn't feel well. John said he was sorry to hear that. We were there for about two hours. Thank heavens the welder looked "normal" but the people that came in and out of the business looked like a parade of down on their luck, lost souls. Not to mention the four scraggy looking dogs, making the term "junkyard dog" come to mind. $130.00 later, the hitch was fixed and we headed back to the trailer stopping at the grocery store first. It was getting dark by the time we arrived so we sat outside enjoying the peace and quiet of the area, eventually enjoying the stars.
We spoke to our oldest son on skype and he wanted to know if we were ready to sell the jeep to him (after hearing of the trials of yesterday). I told him, if he would have asked yesterday, I would have given it to him - never mind sell it!! Today, the stupid thing did what it needed to so I have dearer thoughts towards it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, November 11/2010

Remembrance Day today - Lest We Forget. Wouldn't it be nice if we could live in a world without war and be charged with the task of only remembering those that have already fallen instead of those that have yet to fall. We can only hope.
I looked up Valley of Fire State Park and this is what I found. Valley of Fire, is Nevada's oldest state park. It was dedicated in 1935. The rough floor and jagged walls of the park contain formations of eroded sandstone and sand dunes more than 150 million years old. These features are the Park's attraction, and often appear to be on fire when reflecting the sun's rays. Not only is the Park a favorite place for campers, hikers and bikers, Hollywood has filmed numerous movies here. Scenes from Transformers, Total Recall and Star Trek Generations have been filmed here. And - for all you "trekkie" fans, it was here that Captain Kirk fell to his death. You just have to love google!!
One can certainly tell that we are now at a much lower elevation. The weather is much warmer and we didn't have to use the heaters at all last night. I think we must be sitting somewhere in the 2000 foot range ( a lot like home). The sun is shining through the big front windows and it is certainly warm. With the bus road ready, we rolled into the nearest gas station to fuel up and make the drive through Las Vegas, hit the corner of California and settle for the night near Parker Az. The drive through California took us on the Joshua Tree Highway. Here we travelled through the Wee Thump Joshua Tree Wilderness Area. This is an area of 6,050 acres established to protect a forest of dense, old growth Joshua trees. Now, Joshua trees are from the genus Yucca and got their name from Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid 19th century. The tree's unique shape reminded them of a biblical story in which Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer. They are "fast growers" for the desert. New seedlings may grow at an average of 3" a year for their first ten years then only grow 1 1/2" in the following years. If it survives the rigors of the desert, it can live for hundreds of years with some surviving up to a 1000 years. The tallest trees can reach 15 meters tall. As with most desert plants, it is "armed". The leaves are bayonet - shaped, tapering to a sharp point and the leaf margins are serrated. Now isn't that a surprise!! Everything, it seems is "armed" down here in the desert. Everything shouts "leave me alone - or else"!!
We quickly found the road we wanted and headed to the boondocking area. We weren't 5 miles down that road when we heard the strangest of noises, John looks in the mirror and says "oh my goodness honey, I think the hitch just broke" (and if you believe that statement, I have the proverbial ocean front property here in Arizona!!). Out to investigate and sure enough, the trailer was holding on by a very small piece of metal that had yet to separate from the bus. We pulled off the road onto a trail and traveled "off road" for a few hundred feet. Now let me tell you, this bus is not really meant to do any sort of significant off roading. We did manage to get the bus situated for the night. We had unhooked the trailer and got the jeep out thinking we could move the trailer much easier with the jeep. The jeep did well until the trailer got stuck and then the jeep decided not to start anymore so we ended up leaving the two vehicles where they were for the night and deal with them in the morning. "Honey, is this the adventure, you were talking about?"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10/2010

It was a "chilly one" last night. We had both heaters running and John set the heater up in the big bay to ensure that the pump didn't freeze. Definitely time to move!! There is lots of cloud coverage this morning and it definitely looks like there is "rain in them there hills"!! Hope it isn't snow!!
Once the bus is road ready, we head out. John was able to see some of the petroglyphs from the road as we were driving through "the gap". It is still a bit hard for him to walk on all the uneven ground. His knee and ankle ache alot if he over does it. Good thing I have a walking partner in Hogan!!
Todays travel once again took us through some pretty awesome scenery. We climbed one pass with the summit elevation at 6150 feet and as always, what goes up, must come down and these down grades were 7%.
We ended the day taking a scenic tour through the Valley of Fire State Park. It was absolutely amazing and the rock formations did indeed look like flames shooting into the air. I will google info on the park tomorrow. Once out of the park, we found a boondocking site near the road and settled in for a quiet evening.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, November 9/2010

Well, it was supposed to get to below freezing last night so we left one of the heaters on. This morning when I got up, there was no frost on the ground and it actually looked quite pleasant out. It didn't even feel all that bad when I let the dog out.
Went to make coffee this morning and the coffee pot saga continues!! It would not turn on and only leads me to believe that this one has kicked the bucket as well!! This is coffee pot #3 since the summer!! What the heck is with that!! It is a good thing that I carry the old perc with us.
After chatting with my sister on skype for about half an hour and catching up on all the gossip back home, I looked up information on this area. This is what I found.
The road to the Parowan Gap follows an ancient trail through the Red Mountains that was used by Native American Indians who lived in the Parowan Valley. Yearly, they would travel through this area on their way to harvest desert resources. In the process, they would stop and peck designs onto the smooth faces of the large boulders. The exact age of the petroglyphs is unknown. As always, they are considered an important part of the American Indian ancestry.
These petroglyphs are different from the typical petroglyphs with mostly human and animal designs. Here at the Gap, many of the petroglyphs seem to have counting characteristics with tic marks or repetitive patterns of lines and dots. One of the great discoveries within the last few years is that the Indians here must have been fascinated with numbers and dates. To them, the Gap became a great calendar of times and seasons. The inscription on the "Zipper" petroglyph has been determined to be a calendar with solar alignments, a map and a system of outer cairns (gathering of stones).
In 1849, an expedition to scout out places for new settlements discovered the Parowan Gap and the petroglyphs. The Gap was soon used by white settlers as an access route and eventually over the years, improvements had to be made. As late as 1963, many of the large stones were cleared away and even one large stone, covered with petroglyphs and known as the "Hotel" was blasted into pieces. Now, how is that for progress and preserving history!!
It has been estimated that nearly one half of the cultural record has been destroyed since its discovery in 1849. How very sad. I can't help but believe that destruction such as this would no longer be allowed to occur in this day and age. The petroglyphs are now listed on the National Registry of Historic Places signifying their importance as a cultural treasure.
Hogan and I walked down to the "glyphs" and they were incredible to see. Of course on the way back up the hill to the campsite, I realized that we were in the upper elevations as my breathing was rather labored on the climb. Once back at camp, we decided to stay for the day and head out tomorrow. The sun shone all afternoon but once it decided to slip below the hills, it became much cooler and it wasn't long before you could see your breath. Time to move a bit further south and into the lower elevations.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, November 8/2010

We arrived here at Fort Deseret last night. I can hardly wait to get out and explore and of course, take a picture of Rider at the fort!! Although it is a little rainy this morning, I am hopeful that it will stop by the time we are ready to explore.
I did some research on the fort and this is what I found.
Fort Deseret was built by the Mormons in 1865 to protect the settlers during the Black Hawk Wars and to serve as a way station for weary travelers. At the time, the US army was too busy with the Civil War to protect settlers traveling west and advised the settlers to either move to a safe place or build a fort. With nearly 100 men (98- to be specific) working on the fort, it was completed in 18 days. Constructed of mud and straw, it's 10 foot high walls provided portals through which guns could be fired. It was approx 550 feet square. In the Spring of 1866, the fort protected area inhabitants when Black Hawk and his warriors arrived, demanding cattle. With the people and most of the livestock inside the fort, the Indian's threat was settled peacefully.
Most of the walls have fallen, however there is still a trace of where the actual fort stood. The east wall of the fort is the one that remains the most intact (as you can see from the pics) and still has the corner bastion intact as well. It was most interesting and Hogan ran around the place like he was possessed!!
We got the bus road ready and once again headed down the road. John wants to stop at the Parowan Gap Petroglyphs tonight and, if the weather is nice, maybe say for a day or two.
We travelled through "open range" as we soon discovered, as we came around a corner and there were several cows on the highway!! They didn't seem too concerned with us but being rather unpredictable, we slowed down - just in case one decided to cross in front of us. A bit further down the road, we saw a couple that hadn't quite made a successful crossing!!
The area we travelled through today is mostly desert with the Cricket Mountains and the Red Hills in the distance. We crossed one pass that was 6570 feet at the summit and it was here that we encountered a bit of rain which quickly turned into snow on the windshield. Once down to a lower level, it turned back to rain - thank you.
We eventually made it to the Gap and found a campsite and a bit of wood!! Bonus!! There was a cool nasty little wind blowing off the surrounding hills so a campfire was not really in order. We will have to watch the weather reports for this area to see if we will be staying or heading out again tomorrow. In the morning I will hit the internet and read up on the Gap and it's petroglyphs.