I am off to work this morning but before I go, I must put the garbage can out for pick-up. It is garbage day today and I forgot to get it to the curb last night. Hogan is tired this morning as he has yet to move out of his chair!! He knows when I am heading to work, I guess by my uniform so does not think he is going for a walk. Sooo, why bother getting out of the chair!!
When I get home from work, John is sitting in the man cave. He has a cold brew waiting for me and I am more than happy to sit and have a drink. I am hot and sweaty as it was quite warm at the home again today.
John said that Sask Power called and they will be trenching the line in tomorrow and we should be up and running on our own power line when they are done. OMG - I can not believe it!! Woo Hoo!!!!
Actually, he said that it was Glen (our electrician) he was talking to and Glen said that Sask Power had contacted him and asked him to trench it and they would be there at 9:00 a.m. to hook up the wires. Me, personally, I don't care who trenches as long as we can have power running into the building!!
I had another drink on that one!!
I went to bed early, happier than a pig in dirt. I am going to do a happy dance tomorrow!!
We are supposed to be going on a ride tomorrow as well because it is Shirley's day off and we usually take a short tour of one of the trails on her days off. Tomorrow we will be taking the trucks as Dave's shoulder has been acting up again. That is ok though, trucks or quads, makes no difference to me.
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