Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tuesday, April 9/2013

Today, Kay and I are headed over to Marybeth's to clean out her shed.  We thought it would be a "big" job but as it turned out, we were done in a few hours and that included spending some time with her dogs and brushing them to get all their winter hair out.  They are shepherds and really quite friendly although they are barkers and that is not good.
With the shed done and all the garbage dealt with, Kay and I headed back to our places as we now have a trip into town scheduled.  I need to get more glycerin from the pharmacy so that we can finally get the snakeskin mounted on its fancy board Kay and I bought the other day and, we need to pick up a piece of corner metal moulding for the shed.
I dropped off a load of laundry in Mitch's washer as we headed into town then away we went.  The wind was still blowing although not as bad as yesterday but both Kay and I tried to loose out hats on the trip into town.   The jeep still remains topless!!
We quickly gathered all the stuff we needed then headed back to the park.  Kay held onto the ten foot piece of metal trim while we bombed down the highway.  We are quite the pair and Hogan loves traveling with us!!
With our return to the park, we decided that we had worked hard enough today and should reward ourselves with a beer!!
Kay and I decided that the snakeskin needed to be mounted and so we got busy doing that. We got the fancy board out (I had painted it with varathane yesterday) and the thumb tacks and started stretching it.  By the time we were finished, it looked awesome.  It will be an wonderful addition to the man cave back home and quite a conversation piece.  It stretched to 46 inches long so it was definitely a good sized snake.
John started working on the shed again and now has all the trim on.  He then decided to get the roof done.....well....that meant that I had to climb up onto the shed and release some of the nails holding the shitty plastic roofing up and let me tell you.......that was something to see.  Imagine how I looked perched rather precariously on the top of the shed.  It can only be described as UGLY!!  After several "shut ups" and a few "FOs" the job got done and I was back on the ground where I was always meant to be.  The roof is now done so the monsoon season is no longer an issue.  Things will remain dry inside the shed.
Once the roof was done, John got the campfire going and we sat around it and enjoyed the rest of the evening.  Now that I am off the shed, life is good!!
Snake mounted

Kay doing a little touch up

Starting the job
I cooked a turkey breast in the slow cooker today and it smelled divine.  It tasted even better!!  Mitch came over for a bit and sat around the fire and I sent him home a plate of food so that he didn't have to cook.  After supper as usual, I was ready for bed and was asleep in no time at all.    Life is Good ....just as long as I do not have to get back up on the roof of the shed!!

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