Sunday, April 14, 2013

Friday, April 12/2013

Today, Kay and I headed into town to get our hair cut.  We both look like shaggy dogs so it is definitely time.  When we were done (Dee was way behind) we stopped at the dollar store to get one last bag of dog food for the javelina decided to stop at the Rancher Bar for a beer.  Holy is only noon!!   She is so bad for me!!
Back at the park, I got home just in time to help John fix his chair and I bet you can not guess who was elected to crawl under the bus and hold the nuts (I know that just sounds dirty!)
Getting new seat base in

Our trail for tonight

Panties! Someone had fun on the trail!!

Wickenburg Mountain

Great sunset

Kay and John

Looking down on Wickenburg

Going under the Tressel

Last beverage stop and then home
so that the damn base could be replaced!!  What a messy damn job.  Now picture trying to wedge myself between the front tire and the muffler of the generator.  Now, I am not what you would consider a small woman and I can only think thin for so long.  After trying to get my ass and "the girls" into a space no one could possible get into I was yelling at John and threatening to do him some bodily harm.  I may have even used a few curse words!!  Actually, I did and it was not pretty!!  Eventually, we aired the bus up and I was able to weasel around enough to finally get where I needed to be however I had to stretch my arms so far to reach the bolts that I wanted to just totally kill John again.  I think I swore some more.  I prayed that there were no creepy crawly things around because that would have caused me to have a total "come apart"!!  After I crawled back out from under the bus, I was used as a gopher.  Not a good thing when I am starting to have one of my infamous "moments".   I couldn't find what was needed and was having a major meltdown when John asked me to bring him the vice grips.  Well, I couldn't find the one he was looking for and if I had to climb into the cargo trailer once more I was going to set it on fire along with the newly renovated shed and the motorhome.   Shit, Oh Dear, why is it so bloody hot in this effin sun!!  I threatened to kill John with the vice grips (if I ever found them) and he finally realized that I was one the edge of destruction.  At this point I didn't care if he ever got the bloody captains chair fixed nor did I care if he had to drive this bus standing up all the way home.  I just needed to sit in front of my beloved fan and enjoy my "effing"moment - thank you very much!!  By this time, I think John was hiding and that probably was a good thing as he did survive a close encounter of "the Marie kind"!!
Once the fear of spontaneous combustion had passed, I grabbed my Kindle and headed outside to sit in the shade and pray for a breeze.
Kay joined me before too long and together we sat and had a beverage.  It was long past due!!
John eventually joined us (he thought the coast would be clear by that time) and after having a beverage  suggested the three of us go on a short trip to Wickenburg Mtn.  Ray wasn't around so we loaded up the jeep and headed out to the desert trails.
It was an awesome trip and we ended up on top of Wickenburg Mtn just as the sun was setting and I managed to get a few great pics.  The trails look totally different at night and it was actually quite pretty.  We  returned to the park a few hours later and John started a fire while I got some steaks out of the freezer to defrost so that John could cook Kay and I supper.
We sat around the fire enjoying what remained of the day. It was wonderfully warm out tonight.
Eventually it was time to eat and call it a day.  All in all, it was another great day (well except for my earlier "moment" which I do not want to talk about!!).     Life is once again.......Good!!

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