Friday, January 11, 2013

Tuesday, January 8/2013

I am up early and once again it looks like it is going to be another nice day.  With coffee in hand, I check out Facebook (as I am behind in keeping up with the kids) then got the blog caught up.  John has some pics and video to upload from yesterday's ride so I had better get busy and write the dialogue.
It was a good ride yesterday.
Once that was done, I got the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up as I must make banana bread this morning.  The bananas are calling to me and if they get any blacker, even the javelina won't want to eat them!!
With the dishes done and the banana bread in the oven, I took some time to read a few chapters in my book.  Murder and mayhem are the order of the day.  I love a good romance but murder and mayhem are always a good change!!  Authors such as David Baldacci and James Patterson stand right up there with the likes of Nora Roberts and Danielle Steel.
It was soon time for me to feed the birds and since it was so warm out, I decided to feed them early and sit in the sun and read.  I sat out there for about 3 hours just reading, watching the birds and the javelina.  Once again, it was quite entertaining.  Even the hummingbirds got in on the show tonight.  Man, they actually lay in ambush of each other and can be quite mean.  None the less, it was rather entertaining and I actually did laugh out loud a couple of times over some of their antics.
With the sun going down and the chill in the air, I headed back into the bus and started to think about what to make for supper.
John had just got into the banana bread so he was not in a hurry to eat supper so I did not have to rush into the preparations.  Good, I am just about finished my book so I turned on the kindle and got to solving the murders and capturing the perpetrator!!
After I had done that, I was hungry and ended up making spanish rice and pork chops.  Mmmmm.
My nose has been dripping all day and I fear I am getting a cold.  I have taken a few decongestants today and that has helped but it is getting worse as I head into the evening.  Kay swears by echinacia so I just may have to take a trip into town tomorrow to pick some up and load up on it so that I don't get a full blown cold.  Now, who wants that?!!
A bubble bath was in the cards tonight and after that it was to bed with my Vicks and decongestants.   I caught up on a few more of my TV shows then it was lights out for me.  John is still up and cruising the internet and watching TV.  He will wait until after midnight to upload the pics to the blog as this is one of the best times to do it.  He does't use up any time when it is done after midnight and that is a good thing since there have been a few days when we could not access the net because we were out of yesterday.
Anyway, it was a good day again today with both of us just sitting around relaxing.  Perhaps tomorrow we will start back on the trailer and finish up the remaining trim work.  Perhaps........

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