Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Friday, January 4/2013

More trim went up today and things are progressing nicely.  What tedious work.  All those pieces and not one of them are the same size so each one needs to be measured and cut.  Carpentry is NOT my gift in life!!  It is a good thing John has some clue as to what he is doing!!
All too soon, it was time to throw some seed out to the birds and call it a day as far as work goes.
Ray has been stewing a huge pot of chili all day and that is going to be our supper.  Kay says he makes awesome chili and has promised me that he will leave "the heat" out of it.  Ray and Kay eat everything SPICY hot and by that I mean habanero chilies on their eggs in the morning!!  Dear God, what is this world coming to?
With every one's work done for the day (once we got through watching the birds and the javelina) we headed into our trailer and started playing Kaiser.  Of course Kay and I got our asses handed to us but once again, we did manage to win one game!!
Mitch arrived back from his Christmas/New Years trip to Utah.  He had been on the road for several hours and was happy to be home.  It was good to see him but I think Hogan was the one that was the happiest.  For some reason, Hogan LOVES Mitch and perhaps it is because Mitch always takes the time acknowledge Hogan and talks to him every time he sees him - despite the fact that he always tells Hogan "I don't even like you"!!
Once that was done, we started on the dice game Ship, Captain, Crew so out came the quarters and we played until it was time to eat and call it a day.  We all came out of that game relatively unscathed although I swear I started with more quarters than I actually ended up with.  Mitch, I do believe was the winner - the bandit!!
The chili was awesome as previously stated and everyone dove into it like we were starving.  There was not much left when we were done so it was a good thing that Ray made a huge pot.  Thanks Ray!!
It was an awesome way to finish off the day and like so many days here in Arizona, we finished with good food, fun and friends.  Life is Good.

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