Friday, August 17, 2012

Monday, August 13/2012

The sun is shining and it looks like it will be another nice day in the neighbourhood.  The man cave needs a good cleaning and I should do that this morning before we start on the other room.  Stepping over all kinds of tools and tripping over extension cords is not my idea of a good working environment!!  Hell, I am an accident waiting to happen on a good day let alone having to step over obstacles while I am in work mode!!
Before any work gets done today, I went out into the garden and picked the rest of the yellow and green beans.  There were two huge bowls of them.  I nipped the ends and cut them all up, blanched and bagged them and stuck them in the freezer.  I can't hardly wait for the new freezer to come so I will have a decent place to keep all my frozen stuff.  I now have frozen food in both Gary's and Shirley's freezers!!
Larry and Ariane are headed back to Saskatoon today and once they were packed up and the bus "road ready", they loaded their little tracker on the dolly and off they went.  Hopefully, they will be able to join us for the Sept. long weekend.
John has decided that we need to clean up the shop as the new fridge and freezer need to be set up in there and right now, there is a jeep in the way.  He started the Samurai and it started amazingly well.  I had forgot about the billows of blue smoke out its muffler though and now know that there will be no mosquitoes in the shop or near our property!!  All samurai parts, tires and related paraphernalia went inside the samurai.  The jeep was the next to move and it too started without any trouble.  All jeep parts and related jeep paraphernalia went inside it.  Now, we have even more room in the shop.
The jeep was parked at the back of the shop along the east side and the samurai was parked directly in front of it.  This has left half the shop open and free of clutter.
I swept the floor and now their is a clean, uncluttered spot for the fridge and freezer to sit.
With the shop clean, it was time to turn our attention to the clutter in the man cave.  How on earth can two people allow all this mess and still think they can work amongst all this chaos.  It didn't take too long to get all the power and the hand tools under control.  Time to work.  The trim went up quickly and I must say that there are days when John and I work like a well oiled team.  Today was one of those days and before we knew it, all that could be done was done.  Now the bar construction needed to be completed before the last of the trim can go up.  That is on the "TO DO" list for tomorrow.
With today's work complete, John got out the little campfire in a can and turned on some tunes.  We then sat around the campfire while the potatoes cooked over the phony logs enjoying a few beverages.  Before long, the spuds were done and the steak was on the BBQ.  Add some beans, mushrooms and onions, a bit of fresh dill and there you have it....perfection on a plate.
We sat up for a while after that exchanging word in the game of Zynga, then it was time for me to hit the shower and then the bed.  There is still plenty of work to do tomorrow - laundry, ironing my uniforms (I work Wednesday) and of course the construction of the bar in the man cave.....

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