It is a non riding day today. There are a few issues with tires on the kids quads and I think two days of hard riding is enough for everyone. It was a stay at camp day so the guys gathered wood to keep the fire burning.
The dogs are loving the freedom of this site. They are in and out of the water and into the trees chasing all sorts of squirrels and of course keeping the cows at bay!! Holz, Kellen's dog is limping terribly on one of his front paws and I am sure it is more swollen today than it was yesterday.
Some of the kids headed into town today and others went fishing. Maybe we will have a fish fry tonight!!
I stayed at camp along with Casey as he has to do some fixing on his quad. John headed into town to get the boat and take a shower.
Once everyone left, Coors decided to chase after the quads (which is not a good thing considering he has an ACL ligament tear and shouldn't be running anywhere) and by the time Casey caught up to him, he had probably run a good mile and had actually caught up to the last of the quads. What an idiot!! He brought him back to camp on the back of the quad and of course he was in no shape to do anything for a while except sleep!! What a bone head!!
The fishermen and lady, came back with a few fish and we ended up having an appetizer of fried fish before supper tonight. It was awesome!! All in all, it was another good day of camping with the kids.
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