Monday, August 5, 2013

Friday, July 26/2013

I am home from work and think that I will try to stay up today.  I want to do a few things before the kids arrive and it would be so much easier if I get some of the extra stuff done off my list (like doing the laundry).
I started to get real tired so thought "what the hell",  I will grab a few hours sleep then go hard on the list.....Get my stuff done and then relax!!  Ya, Right!!
Once I got up, I headed over to the laundromat and quickly did up the clothes.  Once I got back to the bus, John was ready to take the camper down to the designated camping spot and set up before the kids started to arrive.
With that in mind, we headed down and found a few of the local down there trying to improve the forest access road.  The August long weekend is fast approaching and that means Rodeo.  The Big River chuck wagons make the trek through the trails from Big River over to the rodeo grounds here in Leoville, so the trail needed a few improvements in order for the horses to be able to pull the wagons through.
We chatted with these guys for a while, set up the camper and then headed back to the bus as the kids would soon be arriving.
It wasn't too long before three trucks arrived hauling the kids, dogs, quads and beer!!  They loaded up on water and anything else they thought they needed then we headed back to the camping spot with them where John and I grabbed our lawn chairs, sat back and watched the gong show of them trying to set up camp.  There were a few funny moments but, before too long everyone was where they needed to be.   The dogs were running around enjoying their new found freedom and it wasn't to long before some wood was gathered and a nice warm fire was going.
John and I headed back to the bus around midnight as I am scheduled to work Saturday and Sunday.  I am on call for both these nights so will have to stay in town as there is no cell service at the camp site.  I won't see the kids again until Monday.  Then, John and I will spend some time camping with them.  It should be fun and I am looking forward to it.
As for now, it is time for me to hit the sheets.  Work will come way too early!!

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