I am off today to help Ray and Kay clean one of the many properties that they look after. Actually they kind of work for the guy that owns the properties and whenever one of them needs repairs, cleaning or painting, he calls Ray and Kay for the job. Today, we are cleaning a studio apartment. There are a few repairs and some painting to do so while Ray is doing that, Kay and I will clean and have the place spic and span before the end of the day. Five hours later, we were done and you can now eat off the floor - that is how clean it is. Ray will have to return tomorrow to finish a bit of painting and change the shower head but it is essentially done.
Time to head back to the park as it is most definitely time for us to get into our "nature watching" mode.
I threw some seed out to the birds and had a bit of stuff for the javalina as well. Dave (one of Ray and Kay's friends) came by with some javalina food and sat and chatted for about an hour. While he was there, a few little pigs came over to enjoy what he brought.
Marybeth joined us tonight and she was able to see a few of the babies but the Mom with the brand new babies did not come over tonight. She stayed over at Howard's.
John joined us in our nature watch tonight but still feels lousy. He is drinking tons of water which for him is very unusual as he is not a big water drinker. Perhaps all that water will flush the demons from his body!!
The hawk was back again today and is becoming a regular around here. He must know that we feed the birds daily and is just waiting for an opportunity to swoop in and grab a plump little dove or a quail. They are certainly quick as we witnessed last year when one swooped in and grabbed a dove sitting on a tree branch. All we saw were feathers floating to the ground!!
There are a few vultures returning to the area as well. We have seen two now, over the last few day. Man, I forgot just how big they were. They are one of the ultimate soaring birds as they gently glide on the wind currents. They truly are awesome to watch.
As the sun starts to set, the temperature falls. We still have a few pieces of wood for a fire so John started one. It is steak night tonight and he always says we can't have steak without a fire. He is starting to feel a bit better so thinks he will be able to eat tonight.
John, Kay and I sat around the fire for a few hours while the potatoes cooked and the wood crackled. We had a few pieces of juniper left and the aroma coming from the fire was awesome.
Ray was a bit tired from all the work we did today and decide to chill in front of the TV relaxing in the comfortable la-z-boy recliner. Another good way to spend an evening.
With the spuds done and the steak sizzling on the grill, it was time to head into the bus and start getting the plates and utensils ready. I quickly made a bit of coleslaw, opened a can of Bush Beans and presto - supper is ready. The three of us chowed down (we bullied Kay into eating) and were soon satiated. (That means satisfied Kimmy!!)
Shortly after that, it was time for bed. Since I had to go shut off lights in the trailer, I walked Kay the 20 yards home then headed in to shut off the lights. I was in bed about ten seconds after that!! All in all, it was an awesome day with us getting lots of work done at the apartment then ending the day with an awesome fire and great tasting food. Life is Good!!
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