Monday, January 23, 2012

Saturday, January 21/2012

It is cloudy this morning and there is a nasty little wind blowing that is making it feel quite chilly.  I do not think there will be any suntanning going on today!!  I will be looking for my long underwear if it doesn't smarten up before too long!!
The weather certainly does not dampen the spirits of my little finches as they are oh so busy at the feeder and are chirping a rather merry little tune again this morning.
It remained windy and just generally nasty out all day today but Hogan and I did our daily walk up the hill anyway.  We are really getting quite good at it now and today, we actually continued around the back side of the hill and bushwhacked a trail back to the bus.  Unfortunately, going "off trail" is not such a good idea for Hogan as there are tons of prickly cholla around and Hogan tends to get all sorts of thorns in his paws.  At one point, he had them in all four paws and was at a virtual stand still.  He had them in his lips too from trying to pick them out of his feet!!  It is a good thing that I walk with my pliers as that helps pull them out. I had to actually pick him up (all 50 pounds of him) and carry him to an area that had no thorns on the trail. Gosh, he is heavy!!  Once I managed to get all the prickles out of his feet, he was then smart enough to stay on the trail and followed in my footsteps and stayed out of trouble.
John mucked around inside the trailer all day, tinkering with the solar panel that is on its roof.  Not sure what needed to be done there but it kept him busy all day.
Keith and Charlotte had gone into town earlier as Keith had some computer work to do.  They wandered down after supper and we sat around the "campfire in a can" inside the trailer for a few hours before they headed back home for the night.   It is a good thing there is plenty of room inside the trailer as it was so windy that one would not have been able to sit outside.
Hogan was busy patrolling the perimeter while we were chatting around the fire and he was busy barking at whatever dared to move!!
Being Saturday, it was steak and baked potatoes for supper, a bit of TV,  then off to bed.  Hopefully, it will be a bit better weather wise tomorrow.

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