I awoke to a cloudy day but considering the cold weather back at home, I will not complain. The dogs spent another good night and for that I will once again be grateful.
there was no email from Ben this morning so he must not have heard if there is a discharge today. I will have to phone him a bit later. Perhaps today, I will get that road trip!!
As John and I were having our morning game of Yahtzee (nothing like a good ass kicking in the morning!!), he asked if the Zerrs were on line today as this was the day they were booked out of the RV park in Brenda. He was wondering where they were and what they were up to. I hadn't noticed if they were on line as I was busy talking to one of his cousins on "chat" with Facebook for an hour. It was good to hear from her and I was able to catch up on all her news.
As it was getting into the early afternoon, I called Ben and the doctors had arrived just as I called and he has been cleared for discharge. Road trip coming up!!
I quickly got ready and headed down the dusty trail. Just as I got a bit down the road, I noticed a rather large white semi and trailer parked off to the right (close to Ben's original site - the one with all the bees) and low and behold - it is the Zerrs!! Remembering that it was "all you can eat fish" night tonight, they drove here hoping to surprise us and go out for supper!! Now what a coincidence, we had, just this morning, been wondering about them!! When Ariane found out that I was heading into Surprise to pick up Ben, she jumped into the truck and off the two of us went - leaving Larry in a cloud of dust and a beer cooler in his hands!! He was headed up the hill to surprise John!!
Once we arrived at the hospital, we found the main entrance and to our surprise, a golf cart pulled up beside us and offered a ride to the door. What a great little service - out of the truck, onto a golf cart and up to the door - Hell, I could really get used to this kind of service!! We found Ben easily enough and he was all but ready to get out of this joint!!
The ride home was uneventful with Ben telling us some of his "hospital" stories. I think he is happy that he will be spending tonight in his own bed!! He missed Grace and she of course, missed him. It was a happy reunion!!
With Ben and Grace headed back into town. the four of us enjoyed happy hour in the trailer before we too headed into town for the wondrous fish and fries (me, well I had the loaded burger - a burger, not to be trifled with!!). Following supper we of course headed down to the Rancher for karaoke hoping that it would be there as Clyde, one of the owners of the Karaoke business had become ill last week and was in hospital. As we arrived in the parking lot, the melodious tunes were streaming out the door, so with our drinks in hand, we found a table and sat to enjoy. John became a dancing fool again last night and was the designated "party animal". Larry and Ariane eventually call it an evening and John and I stayed to listen to the final tunes. What is an evening at the Rancher without the closing number by the singing bartender Dena. With the final restrains of "Tequila" resounding throughout the bar, the evening came to a close and we were loaded into the taxi and headed home. Maria, the driver was more than happy to "deliver us from evil"!! Another $20.00 well spent!! It is starting to rain - oh goodie!!
Of course, John was not quite ready to hit the sheets so out comes the Yahtzee for one final game of the day. Who invented this damn game anyway!!
Finally. with my ass kicked again, my sore throat and runny nose, it was off to bed. Where is the damn Vicks!!
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