I am up by nine (I slept in!!) and am getting the stuff ready to take to the kids. Of course I have to text them just to make sure I have all the stuff and make one final inquiry to see if anyone else needs anything.
As I suspected, John will not be joining Hogan and I in today's adventure. We soooo live different lives. He is a total night owl and I am a morning person.
Once I have the repair stuff gathered, I stop at the store for milk and margarine (a $16.00 bill for a gallon of milk and a large margarine - man these prices stink) and six bags of ice. It is a must to keep the beer cold!!
We arrived at the lake to find the masses looking pretty tired and rather shabby. It looks like they partied until the wee hours of the morning and are just now rallying for the day. It is 11:00 o'clock!!
I unloaded all the "booty" and the repairs started. I brought my fancy new can of Flex Seal with me as Cody (one of the many "adopted" sons) needed some sort of water barrier around one of the boots on his quad. Hell, if that stuff can make a boat with a screen door in the bottom of it float, it should be able to keep the water out from around a boot!! The guys were excited to see if it actually works. What, they think I buy just any old crap!!! It has to work....I saw it on TV!!
I chatted with all the kids, patted all the dogs and then Hogan and I headed back to the bus. I left at 1:00 o'clock and the kids still didn't know what they had planned for the day. They all looked like they should go back to bed!! Oh, to be young and foolish again!!
I got home in time to see the kickoff for the football game and spent the next three hours watching Saskatchewan kick the Edmonton Eskimos asses. I usually cheer for Edmonton except when they play the Riders. It was an awesome start to the Riders season and I hope they continue. Go Riders Go!!
When the game was over, the temperature of the day had fallen so John and I started on the wire part of the fence. God, now that is just ugly. I think the wood part was way easier but we will struggle through. At one point we had to work on top of a black ant hill. It is a damn good thing they were black and not red ants as I was not in any mood to battle red. At least the black ones only crawled all over our legs!!
We got one section of 50 feet done and called it a day. It looked pretty damn good too - even if I do say so myself. It will keep the dog or dogs inside and away from any trouble. That is a very good thing when the kids visit and bring their pets.
Shirley wandered over after she got home from work and we sat and had a few beer with her. Dave and Jeff (Dave's brother) have not returned from their fishing trip as yet. Shirley had an awesome day at work and now has been given the "go ahead" to get more "dollar store" items in and will now be profit sharing so she is super excited about that.
Gary and Arlene went fishing also and have now returned with their catch. They were successful but not as successful as Gary and I were the other day. Oh well, any fish in the boat is a good day. Dave and Jeff returned - they got fish as well but did not hit their limit either.
Once Shirley headed home, John started a campfire and we sat around it until supper was ready. John cooked the fish that Gary and I caught the other day. I did it up in tinfoil with butter and tons of lemon pepper and lemon zest. AWESOME!!
It was an early night for me as I am scheduled to work in the morning so it was off to bed shortly after supper. Good Night.
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