I am up early this morning as I need to iron my uniforms for work. I have gone to work in ironed uniforms for over 30 years and although today's fabrics do not require this labor intensive activity, I like to go with nice creases in my pants and looking crisp, clean and ready to greet whatever may come my way. This being said, I really do not enjoy this activity and tend to leave it till the last minute. It is 5:00 o'clock in the morning and I ask myself - "Is this late enough for you Marie?"!!
With all those left overs in the fridge from last night, I have plenty of food to cover the next four days for supper meals. I always have lunch at the home as that is when they prepare the "big" meal for the residents. It is usually soup and sandwich for supper and with all the energy that I expend during the day, soup and a sandwich just does not cut it!! By the time I finally get back to the bus, I am ready to chew on John's leg if I only have soup at supper!!
There is plenty of frost on the ground this morning as I walk to work reminding me that it truly is time to think about heading south. It was chilly in the bus this morning and we will soon have to start the propane radiant heaters to stave off the chill. This little electric one just won't be able to cut it much longer. Of course when we leave Leoville, we will not have the luxury of power so the radiant heaters are our only option. This of course is not a problem as they work great - or they did last year anyway. I suppose that we should actually fire them both up and make sure that they still work great.
Back from work and glad the day is over. There was no RN or LPN on the night shift last night so that means that I must go in an hour early making for a long, long shift. I am glad to be home and sit for a bit to wind down then, head to bed to prepare for another long day tomorrow. The staffing at the home really suck as there really is no one to work with illness, injury and retirement being the main reasons. No one has applied for any of the open positions and I feel sorry for the girls who will be holding down the fort while I am enjoying the Arizona weather. I am sure that I could work close to full time for the winter if we stayed - that is not in the cards. I would have to buy a winter coat and some boots and I must say, walking with Hogan in the desert hold much more appeal to me!!
With a final call back to work to check on things (I am also "on call" for the night) I find myself drifting towards sleep. Good Night!!
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