Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tuesday, January 4/2011

Awoke to a beautiful sunrise and the promise of yet another glorious day. Larry and Ariane headed to Stanton Ghost Town today for some sightseeing and John once again worked on the jeep. He spent much of the day online ordering parts and pieces.
I decided to start painting the little camping table we use. Jace made it when he was in high school and we have been using it ever since. It is in dire need of some refurbishing and today is the day it gets it!!
Ariane and I had been in town earlier in the week and we had picked up some olive green camouflage paint, so that was my base color. I decided to paint a mid-western motif on it complete with saguaros and howling wolves. It actually turned out quite nice. Now that I have the outline done, I can start on painting in the figures. This, believe it or not has taken my most of the afternoon and thank heavens it is now "happy hour" and I can quit for the day!!
Larry and Ariane came back from their little day trip and unfortunately, missed seeing Stanton ghost town but did see what remains of the towns of Octave and Weaver, so all was not lost. Because Stanton is the star attraction, Larry is determined to return to the site and see it first hand. The next time he goes though, he will zig instead of zag at the turn off!!
Trueman stopped by just for a short visit to say Hi and tell me he has an old metal detector he will loan me if Ariane and I want to go detecting in the washes. Now that sounds like a whole mess of fun!!
The day ended with John and I getting our asses kicked severely by Larry and Ariane in Kaiser. Now, what is with THAT!!
PS and by the way, Canada lost the gold medal to the Russians in the World Junior Hockey. Looks like "next year" country again for our young hockey players.

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