Once again, I awoke to sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. It is going to be another nice day. Casey skyped us last night and we had a nice chat with him. He sounded quite enthused about how things are going in school and that is a very good thing!! He is quite confident that he will be done and graduated in another few weeks so I am sending all kinds of good mojo to him!!
It is our niece's birthday today so I will have to send her an e-card with happy birthday wishes. You have got to love technology!! It has taken over an hour (probably longer) to find a decent birthday card and I am not sure I even like the one I finally sent, just got sick of looking. Next year I will just send her a card through the mail. It would be a lot easier on me!! Now with my kind of luck, she may not have even received it!! Now, wouldn't that be a kicker!! All that time spent for nothing!!
John worked on the jeep again today and I got started on the other camping table - the $3.00 one I picked up at the thrift store. I sanded it till my wrists hurt but got the ugly stain off it and then started with the leaf stensils and did a pattern all the way around it along the outside edge. It is rather folk artsy with acorns and leaves. I want to burn the pattern into the wood and maybe color it in but it will be rather labor intensive as far as the woodburning goes. Oh well, what else do I have to do!!
Heard from Casey again today. One of his roommates has a sick cat and looks to be dying so, he was wondering what he should do about it. The cat's owner is out of town and no one has any money to take it to a vet. Casey, who has such a soft heart and can't stand to see anything suffer has decided to take it to the SPCA, tell them it is a stray and either get it some help or have it put down. That is so Casey - what a nice young man. He was always very gentle with animals. Even when the boys were little and we were camping and they caught all kind of creatures from frogs to lizards to butterflies and bugs, the rules were always to be gentle and not hurt them and at the end of the day, they had to be let go so that they could return to their families. I will have check on the cat situation tomorrow to find out what happened.
The evening was totally awesome and we were once again blessed with one of the absolutely best sunsets to date. The way the cloud formations were, it looked like the bus was on fire and the clouds were the flames rising above it. I hope the pics I took do it justice. Even John got into the act of snapping pictures because the skies were just magic last night.
We had an awesome fire and an even more awesome steak then, it was off to bed as it is football Sunday tomorrow and I know my legs are going to tired after I help the Pittsburg Steelers win the conference finals and head to the Superbowl!!
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