I had a few things to do in the garden today. It is sure coming along nicely and I can almost hear the beets calling to me - time for the pickling supplies to come out!!
The cucumbers are slow but I had to re-seed them this spring so I still have high hopes for them if the hail or pounding rain storms we have had recently doesn't return for another go at them!!
Shirley's birthday is on Sunday so I am planning a bit of a party for her. It will be a surprise to Shirley so have let Dave in on our plans. Dave's brother Jeff is coming up for the weekend so he is invited too. It should be fun. I have to bake her a cake (wonder where all my cake pans are) and John will be responsible for the steak and baked potatoes.
We heard from Casey today and him and Tori are planning on coming up Sunday night as well. They are both off Monday and Tuesday so plan on heading this way to help John with the Sami. It needs it's rear axle taken off and new parts ordered as it broke the last time John and Casey were out on the trails with it. They can work on it in the new "shop"!!
John is busy deciding which quad we should buy and, more importantly, which color!!
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