It is gloomy and dreary out this morning and once again, I am sure the rain is coming. Arlene is on her way into the city heading towards the airport and home so, the gloomy day is most appropriate. Gary's boat is ready after the repairs so he will pick it up when he drops Arlene off and perhaps I will finally get out onto the lakes with my fishing rod!! Woo Hoo!!
Since it hasn't started to rain yet, I grab this time to finish weeding the potato patch. It is a thankless job but I eventually get it done before the rain.
Casey is supposed to be coming for a visit this weekend so I must get all the rain gear cleaned off and the quickest way of doing this is at the car wash. Since I had decided to do this, I might just as well wash the quad while I am there. It is still covered in mud from the rally and now it has hardened and is like cement!!
When I return, I am the one now covered with mud so it is off to the shower for me and when I am done, is happy hour!! Imagine that!!
It has rained off and on all day but the sun has now decided to shine right at happy hour. Life is good!!
John and I sit out until the chill sets in then move to the man cave. Gary arrived home and joined us for a couple before we all headed in to cook supper.
Tonight it was spaghetti and meat balls with garlic toast and caesar salad. Mmmmm
Both John and I forgot there was an exhibition football game on TV tonight but we managed to catch the last few minutes of it. Saskatchewan plays on Friday so we will have to remember that one!!
All in all, it was another good day although I am a bit stiff and sore from two days of pulling weeds. At least my garden is not ready for any weed pulling yet although I can see several coming. Then, there is Gale's garden that will need some attention. Oh Boy - I just won't think of that yet!!
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