The sun is shining again this morning and I am now sitting outside enjoying it. With my coffee in one hand and my book in the other, I am ready to greet the day. I will sit here looking at the long grass and "will" it the cut itself!!
Casey is supposed to be arriving at some point today and there are a few things I should do before he arrives however I am not really motivated to do so. Perhaps if I sit here long enough I can "will" those jobs done as well!!
Dave wandered over about noon and since it was such a nice calm day, had decided to go fishing and has asked me if I wanted to go. Well, let me think about that for a minute.....YES!!!
I gather my gear and within 30 minutes, we are headed down the road. Woo Hoo!! I love to fish and now I do not have to look at the long grass or think about the other jobs that need to be done.
We will fish at Island Lake today as there are lots of big Northern Pike (Jack fish) in there. Hopefully there will be a few in the boat by the end of the day!!
I still marvel at the enormity of last year's destructive plow wind that swept through the Island Lake area as we drive through the hundreds of downed trees.
Once we are at the lake, we launch and within 20 minutes I have the first fish in the boat. Perhaps today will be a "good" day on the lake. Dave trolls around the lake and in between the islands and together we catch a few smaller jack which we throw back in the lake in the hopes that they grow to be a more "keepable" size.
Dave finally catches "the big one" and after a bit of a struggle we finally get the thing into the net. Now this fish is a beauty and I am immediately jealous as the one I landed is not half the size!! Now what is with that!!!
We finally call its day and head back to shore and home. Casey has not yet arrived so I quickly head to the store and get ready for his visit.
Dave wandered over a bit later and said that the fish he caught weighted in at 10 pounds and when he went to fillet it, he found a one pound perch in its gut!! Wow, two fish in one!! Dave was chuckling though because he had cleaned the fish I caught first and had taken the fillets into the house and was on his way back out to fillet his big fish when he saw his dog "Bear" take off across the yard with his fish in its mouth!! I guess the battle was on with Bear holding the head and Dave holding the tail!! Apparently, it was a tough battle with Dave eventually winning and filleting the fish.
Casey arrived soon after and now Roxy and Hogan are running around like idiots. Of course the kids are hungry and it is a good thing that I took pork chops out of the freezer.
With supper done and over with, John moved into the man cave for a few more refreshments. I went to bed and the other hoolios stayed up until 3 a.m.!!
I guess it will be a late start for the trails tomorrow - big surprise there!!
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