When I finally did get to talk to John, he informed me that the surgeon was in and he was scheduled for surgery at 5:30 today. Oh my God - had all the necessary approvals been obtained -no one seemed to know. I made a few more phone call to the insurance people and NO, they had NOT approved anything and I needed to phone SGI ---(I think I feel another headache coming on) Long story short -- it is considered a medical necessity and it is my understanding that it is covered. Thank You God - I would really hate to have to leave John down here as collateral for the debt!!
Once I had all this nonsense taken care of, it was well into the afternoon. I phoned John again and told him that I would not be coming to see him. It was too late for me to make the journey into Phoenix and get back before dark so made plans to see him in the morning. Maybe then, I would find out what the plans were and with a little bit of luck, maybe I could actually speak to the surgeon - now isn't that a novel idea.
Truman came by to check on me and see how I was doing and if I needed anything - such a sweet man. Who would have thought, that the first time that I was walking along the road in December and started up a conversation with a fellow with a white Santa beard (reminded me of Gabby Hayes) and his dog Cowboy that he would play such a role in my future. I told Truman that John was scheduled for surgery today and that I would be spending tomorrow in Phoenix and would he be kind enough to stop around and let Hogan out to pee. He said that it would be no problem what so ever and with the extra key to the bus, off he went.
One less problem to worry about. I made my list of stuff I needed to take into Phoenix tomorrow, answered some emails then headed to bed. I think I still have a headache!! Damn you John!!
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