Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Monday, November 10/2014

Sooo....maybe it is not so good to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep. I was wide awake at 6:00 o'clock this morning. Sooner, actually but I forced myself to stay in bed till six!! Holy Buckets, it is still quite dark out this time of the morning!!
Kay isn't even up yet although I am sure she will be soon. As it turned out, she was in the truck and down the road at 6:30.
The wind is blowing like a bugger this morning. It tends to sweep down off the surrounding mountains and cause havoc!!Even Hogan did not stay outside too long this morning. It must have been too chilly to stay out and harass the cats!!
It is now 8:00 o'clock and I just got a text from Kay saying that there is "no work today" so she is on her way home. Jeez, too bad she didn't know that before she left this morning. It is kind of a pain in the ass and I think that this happens more often that it should. Oh well, we can have another quiet day!!
We decided on taking a short road trip today. The corned beef is in the slow cooker so supper is looked after. We loaded up the refreshment cooler and headed out.
We were going to take a side road over to Eureka, Utah and go see Paul Bunyan's Woodpile.  Now that sounds interesting. Apparently, it is a unique geological feature, a "curiosity" formed from volcanic activity nearly 30 million years ago. It apparently looks like a series of colossal woodpiles stacked up by a giant, in this case, Paul Bunyan!!
We headed out, found a couple of neat paved back roads and eventually made it to the dirt road that would lead us to this site.
When we arrived we discovered that the actual site was still 1 mile further down the trail and needed to be hiked to. Unfortunately, it was getting late and no one had any intention of doing the 2 mile hike to see "the logs". Instead, I looked it up on the Internet and took a few pics off the computer!! I know.....that is soooo cheating!!
On our way out the terrain was mostly sagebrush, local grass and juniper trees. It appeared to be a most inhospitable environment (typical of this Utah desert) but as we came around one corner I saw movement out the left window and to our delight, there was a small herd of perhaps 8 or 10 elk standing not too terribly far away from us. Kay also saw a couple of deer at this site as well. I managed to get one good pic of the elk as once we stopped, they certainly did not hang around long.  I guess they are still a bit skittish having just survived the latest hunting season!!
The sunset was lovely tonight as well and I managed to get a few nice pics of it too.
It wasn't too long before we hit the highway and scooted on home.
The corned beef would be ready and it was time to put an end to the day.

Turkey Lane road
Power line road
Goshan road

Mining equipment at Eureka

Looks like a pile of logs from this view

Herd of Elk on Paul Bunyan road
Another great day
     Kay is working again in the morning so hopefully it is warmer for her in Heber tomorrow.

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