Friday, November 16, 2012

Monday, November 12/2012

Coyote checking us out

Covered wagon passing by

Heading out US 93 S, AZ

Our first Saguaro Cactus
The sun is shining today and it looks to be a good traveling day.  We are headed down the road today and hopefully will make it into Wickenburg.  I guess it will depend on when we actually start turning the wheels as to how far we get today.
Before we left, Hogan, who was chillin on the dash started with his deep growl thing and when I looked out and saw a rather large coyote trotting by in the desert.  Now this is the first wild four legged creature we have seen since parking in this spot.
We chatted with one of the local fellows the other day in the Restaurant and he says there are 3 wild mustangs out our way and that would be so totally cool to see them so I have been looking outside often.  I have yet to see them and probably won't.  Oh well, it is nice to know that they still exist in some parts of this country.
It wasn't long before the coyote had vanished but I must say.......he was a good size and one that I sure didn't want Hogan to meet.
He continued sitting on the dash keeping a "lookout" and was soon growling again.  This time, there was a chuck wagon being pulled by 2 horses going past the bus.  There were also two other horses tied to the back of the wagon.  Must have been spares!!
Soon, we were loaded up and heading down the road.  We got as far as Burro Creek Recreation Area.  This being about 60 miles from Wickenburg.  It is a rather picturesque area with Saguaro Cactus dotting the landscape along with the usual desert flora of palo verde trees and cholla.  Hogan was not impressed with the cholla and it wasn't very long before I was pulling thorns out of his feet.  He eventually just went inside the bus and came out only long enough to pee!!  If he was capable of sending dirty looks, I am sure he would have.
It was quite warm out when we arrived and John got the lawnchairs out so that we could enjoy what was left of the sun.  It was hot enough for a sunburn.  Of course I was sitting in the relative shade of the Palo Verde tree by the bus because the last thing I need is more heat!!  Hell, I generate enough of my own!!
Our spot for the night

Tomorrow, hopefully we will be in Wickenburg and our journey "south" will be over.

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