Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13/2011

The day has arrived bright and sunny.  Oh the silence is wonderful and as I look out the window, I see nothing but Jimmy's beautiful yard which, by the way, has no dandelions in it!!  It is indeed a park like setting.  The birds are chirping and the squirrels are chattering.  Hogan does not know which way to run first!!
Today we are supposed to be getting the big white truck running and ready to sell.  It has sat here in Jim's yard since we sold the acreage and now it is time to finally sell it.  John was unable to get it done last year because of the broken leg thing so this year there is no excuse not to get the job done.
I cleaned out the bunk today and was quite pleased that there was no mouse crap around and that it indeed smelled fresh inside.  It is a well built bunk and since there are no signs of mice, I am even more pleased.
John eventually did get the truck running - the batteries needed more charging so once that was complete, it started up and purred like a  kitten.  There were a few squeaks and groans initially, but it soon quieted down and sounded great.  I hope that who ever buys it will appreciate the amount of work that went into the construction of that bunk and treat it with the respect it deserves.
With the truck taken care of, it was time to settle down and watch the hockey game.  Maybe tonight the Vancouver Canucks will bring the Stanley Cup back to Canada.
As the game progressed, it became obvious that there was going to be a final game for the cup and hopefully the hometown advantage plays a role in a Cunucks victory.  We will see on Wednesday!!
With supper over and the dishes done, it was time for me to head to bed.  I am still tired from the weekend!!  Tomorrow, we head into Saskatoon to do all our running and shopping.  It will be a busy few days.

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