Sunday, June 5, 2011

Friday, June 3/2011

I woke several times during the night to hear rain on the roof of the bus.  I could just imagine my garden smiling.   When I finally got out of bed, it truly was a dreary day but the rain is a much needed gift.  There are massive forest fires further north and I only hope that this weather system will reach up there as well.
So, today looks like it is going to be another reading/relaxing day again.
Instead of just sitting around, John asked if I wanted to go out to the trails.  Well Yea!!  Off we went with our heavy jackets and a cooler of refreshments.  We headed to Vimy Creek and were surprised to see the area so eroded that a new trail was started beside the old one.  The water itself was not too bad and that is a good thing because when John suggested I take a pic of him crossing the creek, I went to walk across the rocks and ended up in the water - wet to my knees!!  At least the camera stayed dry!!  Now lets see if these fancy hiking boots really are water proof (and they are - hooray!!)  It is a good thing the Sami has a heater.
The trails were much dryer than what I had expected and it was nice to get out and explore the Clearwater side of the trails. We will wait till we have someone with us to do the Chitek Trails as they are usually quite ugly in several places and it would be nice to have some backup if we needed it.
We eventually found ourselves on the Big River grid road and headed up to the trail that would bring us through "the block" the back way.  This trail had a few mud holes and several beer cans around them.  It looked like there had been a few stuck quads on one of the recent rallies!!  By the end of the trip, we had a bag full of empty cans - the beer fund is growing!!
By the time we made it home, it was 10:30 at night and it was definitely chilly.  John said it felt like snow!!  It is the first week in June for crying out loud!! There is a frost warning for tonight and I am kind of glad that the garden is not really up so there is really nothing that needs to be covered.  (The tomatoes already met their demise last week!!)
I did not leave the heater going while we were gone this afternoon so needless to say, the bus was a bit chilly when we got home.  It didn't take too long to heat up the joint with both the propane and the electric heater going but, you just knew that the bed would be chilly.
After we ate, I let John hit the sheets before I did so that he could be the one to warm them up!!  Brrrrr!!
Beverage at Vimmy Lake

Vimmy Creek

Ruts deeper than they look

Crossing Vimmy Creek


Coming up the other side

Heading to Clear Water Lake

Little mud

Clear Water Lake

Heading to Island Lake

A stop at Mystery Hill

View from the top of Hart Lakes

Heading back down

Momma duck on her nest

Mr Beaver

Heading into Bug Lake

Island Lake

Going into Poplar Lake

Gettin dark

All in all, it was a good day.

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