Saturday, November 5, 2016

Wednesday, November 2/2016

We were back on the road again and headed further south.  The weather is holding up nicely so far although today we are dealing with a pretty good wind.  Oh well, I would rather it be that than snow and icy roads.  Despite the wind, the truck is humming along nicely and John is happy with the fuel mileage.  We stopped at another Walmart in Helena and picked up the rest of the stuff that was needed.  We then continued down the road.  We saw a ton of deer today and they were all very busy in the farm fields chowing down on the grains.  They were plentiful and did not really look too concerned that it was hunting season!!
We stopped for the night beside Browne's Bridge.  It spans the Big Hole River and was one of Montana's Toll Bridges.  The original bridge was built in late 1862 and early 1863.  It was bought by Joseph Browne in 1865 and the State of Montana allowed Browne to operate it as a Toll bridge until his death in 1909.  Two counties assumed joint ownership of the bridge in 1911 and a new bridge was constructed in 1915.  It is this bridge that spans the river today and is maintained by the department of transportation.  The original bridge was destroyed by flood waters in 1920.  Nothing remains of it.

Heading out

I-15 South

Bald Eagle watching us set up

Our spot for the night

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The area is now a small free campground that is used as a fishing access to the river.  It is surrounded by cottonwood trees and is actually not too far off in interstate.  Unfortunately there was no cell service or satellite TV at the site as the trees were rather thick.
We were observed by two bald headed eagles sitting high up in the cottonwoods across the river and they actually sat there for quite a while.
John got the new campfire in a can out and we sat around it for the evening thinking it was far past time for a campfire.  Life is good!!
The coyotes serenaded us during the night and it was rather nice to hear them.

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