The wild life around here is sparse because of the lack of water and vegetation. There are a few birds, the occasional lizard and a few rabbits and rodents. Bobcats, coyotes and fox have been sited but are rare. Vegetation consists of a tufts of grass, and dwarf sagebrush. No Trees at all near the campground or within the boundary of the Park. It is quite barren and once again a very different environment in which John and I have camped. I must say that I do miss the trees. On the other hand there are no shadows and there are incredible moonlit nights. Even at two o'clock in the morning there is moonlight coming through the windows of the bus and one can see for a long way. Even Me!! There is wind, lots of it. It comes up out of the canyon or down off the various Mesas and blows across the flat vastness of the land. There is nothing to stop it. It is not a cold wind but it is often present.
Upon leaving the State of Utah, I must say it has been an incredible experience. The environment, the geology and the history that we have been privileged to see are so different from what we have in Saskatchewan. North America is such a large Continent and each country, state or province has it's own unique qualities that I can't help but wonder if John and I will be able to see enough of it. We can only try - Tomorrow is moving day and more adventure awaits!!
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog. John and I hope that you have enjoyed Utah as much as we have. It has been fun finding information on the various sites and areas that we have seen and I hope that at times you feel you are right here with us. I wish you were!!
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