Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday, September 4/2011

Wheat Crop





Hoppin Trees!


How do we get through here?

More lakes

Crossing a creek

Deer watching us watching them!

Jeff and Dale stuck

Suns going down

Made it home

Another great fire!
Jace and Kim have kicked me out of the boat today!!  I know it is because I caught the most fish yesterday and are being little cry babies now!!  Of course they totally deny this but I know the truth!!
Shirley is off today so we are planning a quad ride today.  Jeff (Dave's brother) leaves his quad up here all the time so the six of us will be heading down to the block for a while.  Dave's shoulder is sore and I know that John's leg is sore from two days of riding so, it is supposed to be a slow short ride.
The kids headed out fishing and we headed out to the trails.  It was a beautiful day for doing whatever one chose to do.  The sun was shining and there was a breeze blowing (kept the mosquitoes away).  The breeze was a bit more than what is ideal for fishing but the kids were gung-ho to show me up.  Good Luck with that!!!
We quadded a few trails, eventually ending up at the north end of Otter Lake where Leon has his barge tied to the shore.  We sat on it marvelling at the absolutely beautiful country we have chosen to retire to.    We even had a brief visit by a belted kingfisher - a bird I had not yet had the pleasure to see.  He was beautiful although I do not believe he was impressed by our intrusion.
As we were stopped at the cattle gate on our final refreshment break before leaving the block, we were blessed to see two deer come out of the bush a short distance from us.  They did not seem to mind us being there and actually hung around for several minutes checking us out and foraging for food.
On our way home, there was one final trail we needed to check out and in fact, if it was passable, would cut off several miles of road riding.  We would end up on the North Grid only 3 miles from town - bonus!!
As it turned out, the trail only had one nasty little spot in it that managed to trap three of us in mud up to our axles!!  Shirley and Dave were  the last in the group and managed to find a dry way around the mud so was able to winch Jeff out while Dale and John were winching themselves out!!  I guess it really would not be a good day unless somebody got stuck!!
We caught an awesome sunset while heading home and I know I got lots of nice pics. Gee, I wonder how Jace and Kim did on their fishing trip - will we be having a fish fry tonight?
Back at the bus, Jace and Kim had a campfire blazing.  They had arrived home about an hour earlier and had a very successful trip.  They had managed to catch several LARGE jack and were both smiling like a couple of fools!!  Jace said the fish were biting like crazy and they caught close to 25 fish choosing to bring home only seven - plenty for a fish fry.
Jace and I took the fish over to Dave so that he could fillet them (neither Jace nor myself are very good at that) and invited them over for a fish fry.   I quickly did up some potatoes, carrots, onions and celery, all mixed together with onion soup mix and dill and threw them on the BBQ then commenced to frying fish.  There was plenty to go around and it wasn't too long before everyone was full.  There was still enough fish left over for Jace and Kim to take two packages home for Kim's parents and leave us two packages as well.
All in All, it was a good day!!

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