Monday, October 13, 2014

Saturday, October 11/2014

Today we are heading up to do the Grassy Mountain Trail (or hopefully find our way there).  I can't help but think that so far we have been pretty lucky in actually finding our destinations although be it a round about sort of way!!
We headed out down the pipeline again then took what we hoped was the right trail over to Grassy Mountain. It was an awesome trail, full of humps and bumps, mud and off camber areas and offered us a challenge none the less. I did manage to get stuck once but it was an easy winch out and we were soon on our way again. Ya, I know....get your ass off the seat and give it some gas!!
We met some cowboys along the trail today. They were looking to round up their cattle who graze this open country for the summer. We had not seen any so far today so they turned around and seemed to just melt into the forest as we continued down the same path they took but never did see them again.
Of course with no signs along the trail, we managed to find ourselves on Private Property and had to scoot through until we hooked up to what we thought could be the proper trail. Neither John nor I like to travel private property but due to the lack of signage, it was not to be avoided. Once again we asked ourselves just how hard would it be to put up some arrows to keep trail users on the main trail.  I am thinking that the proceeds from the maps are not being used for signage!!
We eventually got back onto the right trail (wonder how we managed that!!) and came across another....... wait for it........SIGN!! YES, there it was standing loud and proud!!  Now we had a reference point on our handy dandy map. Yes....we indeed had done the Grassy Mountain Trail!!  Woo Hoo.   Now all we had to do was find the trail that would take us back towards home - not an easy task around here!!
We followed the pipeline again and eventually found what we thought was the trail and headed down it. As it turned out, it was indeed the trail and we found ourselves back at the private property, no trespassing sign. Not wanting to press out luck traveling through there again, we found a trail that spurred off the main trail and hoped that it would take us around the private property.  Well it did and we found ourselves back on the main trail we had travelled on earlier in the day.  Now an arrow at this intersection would have prevented a lot of private property, no trespassing, no stress.  I guess the Quad Squad (as they call themselves around here) don't know about arrow signs!!  One simple arrow to keep first time trail users on the proper hard can that be?
With us back on familiar territory, John and I decided to change quads for a bit. We were not too far from camp and he was wondering how my new quad rode. We had one good climb to do yet so we traded and at the end of the climb he thought that my quad was pretty awesome. It had lots of power to make the climb and was an easy riding machine.  His on the other hand felt like it wanted to buck me off. The big lugs on his tires like to catch on the rocks and ridges of the trail so one has to be quite diligent when deciding where to put his tires. His seat however is soooo much softer that mine and I only hope that once mine is used a few more times that it too, will become more user friendly!!
Back at camp, we got Hogan out of the camper and spent some time with him.  He loves to chase the ball and that provided him with some much needed exercise for his day. We also had a few of the neighbouring camp dogs over to chase the ball as well.  
Soon, it was time to turn on the TV and watch the football game which, by the way, was a blow out with BC beating the tar out of the Redblacks!! Supper and bedtime soon followed as my legs were once again feeling the burn from the day's ride. All in all,  it was another good day. Awesome trails, beautiful vistas and good company.  Life is Good
We are off down the pipeline

Majestic view

Tight trails

Old abandoned wagon box

Our stint on private property - abandoned mine shafts  and
sour gas fields.

An abandoned mine site

Marie cleaning mud out of the A-arm guards

Yes, there was mud on the trails

Another elusive sign found!!

Yes, that is a huge up hill climb - one that I
didn't have to make as it was the wrong way!!
Thank you God!!

John coming down

Marie's quad by the creek.  Did not stay here long as the fish flies
were plentiful!!

Moss on the tree limbs

Nearing sunset

Our attempt at a "selfie"

Marie's quad is so much prettier than John's

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