Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday, June 20/2010

Leoville puts on an actual Father's Day Rally and the kids have decided to participate. Of course they have not had enough of the mud and wet and are raring to go again. They head out onto the trails with the hundreds of other riders. The adults, who are much wiser and perhaps a bit more stiff from yesterday's ride are staying in the yard to relax (or should I say recuperate).
Mom Larocque is really having trouble today and we decided that it is time for her to go into the hospital for some much needed pain control and IV fluids. The ambulance arrived in no time at all and I accompanied her to the hospital. Arnie and Shelly followed in the truck. After x-rays, IV fluids and pain killers, Mom was finally admitted and we were able to leave her in the hands of the doctors and nurses of Shellbrook Hospital. Tomorrow she is scheduled for her usual blood transfusion and drugs at the cancer center but we will make the necessary phone calls in the morning and go from there.
Back home, the kids are back from the trails and naturally upset that Grandma has been admitted to hospital. Now, all of us are in "wait and see" mode.
It is Sunday and people do have to get back to school and their jobs so everyone who has to go does, once again leaving the yard relatively quiet. Jace and Morgan will leave in the morning. We got back from the hospital late so had a quick supper and settled in for a quiet evening. Bed is calling as the kids have to be out of the yard by 7:00am.

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