Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday, April 25/2015

Happy Anniversary to John and I. We have been married for 34 years and in today's world, that is quite an accomplishment. Life sometimes crazy with all its various demands and stresses and it is nice to know that there is at least one constant in your life. Thanks for the memories!! Maybe, if we are lucky, we will get 34 more!!
I awoke at about 1:30 this morning to hear rain on the roof. It was a gentle rain and I was not really worried about the truck being stuck. By 6:30 however, with intermittent rain showers for the past five hours, John decided to break camp and drive the truck to more solid ground. There was pavement just off the highway and we parked there until the sun came up and the rain stopped.
Today we will tackle "the big pass". It is a pass that sits at elevations of greater than 8000 feet so hopefully last night's rain did not drop a whole mess of snow up there!!
I certainly did not feel any better about going over the pass when I saw the snow plow heading that way. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I just may need to call on "The Powers" today!!
With much trepidation, we headed out.....  Much to my surprise, the pass was clear. There were a few wet spots on the road and some snow along the side of the road but we had clear sailing up and down the 8268 foot pass. Life is good.
We sailed out of Colorado and into Wyoming. The weather held but looked threatening several times today. We saw several deer and antelope today so that is always good to see. They did not seem to worried about the highway traffic and all continued on with their business.
Baggs, Wyoming greeted us with its rich history of Outlaws. Butch Cassidy is said to have made a home here in Baggs, back "in the day" and hid out in the now infamous Hole in the Wall here in the surrounding hills. The Wild Bunch along with The Sundance Kid were always close at hand.
We found a camping spot along Little Robbers Road (how appropriate considering the outlaw history in the area) and soon had the chairs our and an adult beverage in our hands.
Hogan was busy chasing rabbits and soon had all these vicious creatures scattered!!
As the sun faded, it became chilly so John got out the little campfire in a can and we sat around it watching the hockey game. With the demise of the Vancouver Canucks (they are now out of the playoffs) John got the steaks on the grill along with the authentic shrimp from Mexico (thanks Ray).
In no time at all we were eating our anniversary dinner.  It was delicious (no surprise there).
This concluded another good day of travel.  Hopefully tomorrow the weather cooperates but it is just now starting to sprinkle rain. The big weather warning for this area continues through Sunday.

Heading out - Colorado 139 North

Into the pass
And the fun begins
More fun
Snow in the pass
Douglas Pass - 8268 feet

Where we were!!
At the summit
Heading down
Off the pass and now in the valley.  Abandoned buildings
Following the river

Lots of pretty scenery
Downtown Craig, Colorado
Rolling hills and vales
Welcome to Wyoming - Highway 789 North
Our spot for the night.  Little Robber's Road
The evening view.
Bundled up watching the hockey game
I refuse to change my flip flops to shoes!!

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