It is cloudy again this morning and looks hazy. It didn't drop below freezing last night and although it is a bit chilly in here today, it is not as cold as it was yesterday morning. Perhaps the sun will show itself later today. I think I will go into town today and look for those GPS books. It would make finding the proper trails sooo much easier!!
Being such a dreary day, I decided to stay in my pyjamas and settle in for a quiet day instead of traveling into town and shopping (I think I am coming down with a fever!!!).
John and I spent the day watching the Saskatoon Hilltops football team win the Canadian National finals against the Hamilton Hurricanes - congrats to them and playing yahtzee, cribbage and rummy. I even managed to pull out a win in yahtzee today which makes this my second win of the trip!! Woo Hoo!!
Things are looking up!!
John cooked some awesome ribs on the BBQ for supper and all the while Hogan was sitting in the window of the bus growling at whatever little creatures were out in the dark. Something was out there but I couldn't see a thing. I may have to invest in a pair of night vision binoculars. Now that would be fun!!
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