Monday, July 5, 2010

Tuesday, June 29/2010 and Wednesday June 30/2010

I was up early, anxious to get the day started and spend some time with Casey. We hadn't seen him since April, when we got back from Arizona and had stayed in Saskatoon for a few weeks. Once John was up and at it, there were all kinds of orders flying around and lots was accomplished. Beef came for a visit and refreshments were enjoyed by all. It turned out to be one of those rare lovely evenings and John suggested that we go on a "booze cruise". Just what we need after a few wobbly pops - take the trucks into the trails. Off we went and I must say, it was a lot of fun with both John and Casey getting stuck once. Casey had not been on the trails for over a year and he seemed to enjoy the evening.
Once back in the yard, it was time to fire up the BBQ and it was steak and baked potatoes all the way around. It was great and a good time was had by all. I think Casey is glad he came to "hang " with his parents!!
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30/2010: (pics are from June 29th)
I woke up feeling a bit ragged around the edges - a direct result of the previous day's activities soooo....was a bit slow to start. After a rather large infusion of caffeine, it was time to get into gear and get as much done as possible as tomorrow was the annual Canada Day Trail Ride.
Casey and Bayne's son Charlie were going to be the only young people with us this year. The other kids all claim to have a life of their own and so had "other fish to fry"!! Good - less food required and less headaches for the parents. Casey and Charlie could easily be handled!!
Arnie and Shelly were to be back today, so we quickly hurried with our jobs so we could be done by the time they arrived. John got on the riding mower and cut the grass and Casey did whatever needed to be done to the trucks.
Arnie and Shelly arrived with Morgan's cat in tow and news that Mom Larocque was feeling better. Good news about Mom but Hogan will once again be traumatized by the cat and may require counseling - AGAIN!!
Big day tomorrow so off to bed we go eagerly anticipating the mud, the blood and the beer!!!

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