Buck Lake |
John is slowly feeling a bit better and that is a good thing.
Dave and Shirley bought yet another, "new to you" truck and they met us at Buck Lake. It was good just sitting and chatting with them as we had done in the past! Gary too, showed up and the five of us enjoyed what was left from the evening.
Good times, Good Friends and .....Life is Good
Beverage |
Booko still limps on his back leg from time to time (from that Jeep incident in February) but the limp is definitely getting better and that is a good thing. I knew it would take a long time to heal as is the case with ligaments and nerve damage. He is "knuckling" a lot less as well. Hopefully he will be pretty much fully recovered by the time we head back to Arizona because I know that him and the neighbour's dog will be running up and down along the fence line again this year!!
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