Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.
Today is the official Father's Day Quad Rally. Everyone is up and at it fairly early despite the late night last night. Breakfast was made and quads were checked and lots of grass was removed for underneath the machines. We were soon ready to head out. We had quite a troop with us and once we registered, we were down the dusty trail.
The weather looked rather threatening and we all hoped that we would not get rained upon but hey, it really wouldn't be a good rally unless we got rain!!
We had to skirt around one of the planted farm fields where we usually ride and found ourselves on the same road John and I travelled with "Old Blue" last week so we found out where that trail eventually led to. It popped us out right beside the fence line on "Eddie's Trail"!! It was at one of the designated "beer" stops and I had often wondered where that particular trail took you. Well..... now I know!!
We did manage to get into a bit of rain but it was really only a minimal shower and not really one to worry about.
Of course we thought we were the last ones on the trail but we were passed by a few more people which indeed made us the last folks of the rally.
The trail was the same as the previous years but it does give one a bit of variety. There was enough water holes for the kids to play in and get stuck in and many of the kids were glad they wore their hip waders!!
By the time we arrived at the wiener stop, there were only a few wieners left and a dozen buns which were quickly dispensed. It was here that Jimmy O (I think he was still feeling the effects of yesterday's ride), Jeffy and Dave decided to call it a day and head back to town via the grid. The rest of us chose to stay the course and finish the rally.
Gary's quad had started to heat so Dave hooked up his winch to Gary's quad and Gary drove front first into Vimy Lake in the hopes that this would solve that little problem. There is a huge drop off right here at the edge so that is why the winch was used. At least Gary's quad would not go for a most unwanted swim!! The water did wonders and there were no further issues with the quad until the final 8 miles home.
The last leg of the rally was indeed the most adventurous with us having to leave Preston's quad in the bush for the night with a broken ball joint and spindle. He hit a tree.....dumbass!! Loretta's quad popped a bead on one of her tires and we were unable to get it to seat again so the guys took one of Preston's tire off and used it to get her out of the forest.
Eventually, we all made it back to 8 Mile and the grid. It was getting late and that of course is not unusual. This was the last beer stop of the trip (everyone was by now out of beer!!) and we soon headed back into town. I was the last of the bunch. Gary was in front of me and it wasn't too long before he was pulled over and his quad was heating again. Three stops later, we were about 2 miles from town and John had came back to see what the issue was. We put a tow rope on him and towed him home. Finally, we were all back in town! Fun was had by all and it was time to fire up the BBQ and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Monday came all to quickly and people started packing up and heading for home. The weekend was officially over and the rain clouds had moved in. Of course the guys had to do a rescue mission before they left as Preston's quad was still in the bush. Three hours later, the mission was deemed a success as the quad was home.
Jace and Kimmy were planning on heading over to Clearwater Lake for a few days of R&R but decided to stay in the yard tonight and go over in the morning. Hopefully the roads are drier and the sun is out.
They did eventually get to camp for a few days and I of course headed back to work!!
All in all, it was a busy but good week. The rains eventually stopped and we got some nice weather. Life is Good!!
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