This week started out with a quad ride. Dave, Shirley, Jeff, Gary and John and I hit the trails. It had been raining off and on for the past week so we knew the trails were likely going to be a bit wetter than the previous time on the trails. We had a short but powerful storm go through last evening so wet ground was inevitable!!
We got down to Deer Lake and it reminded me of the trails of a few years.....mud, mud and more mud!! Oh dear.....this is going to be a very "dirty" day!!
Gary's quad was making quite a noise so he decided to head back to town. The rest of us continued on and we did a big loop trail that took us to Hooker Lake, past Harry Piche's cabin, past the old truck, to the shelter and back to Heart Lake. It was awesome but I was covered with all kinds of mud and dirt.
When we got to the turn off to Heart Lake, John asked if anyone wanted to check out the trail to the south end of Otter Lake and everyone was game for that so we took a detour to Otter. We stopped along side Beau Creek and Dave noted that the beavers were building a dam and that the flow of the creek was greatly reduced. Well, it wasn't too long before there was a huge hole in the dam and the water was flowing freely into the creek!! I am sure Mr. Beaver will not be too impressed when he sees Dave's bit of destruction!!
We carried on the Otter Lake and I was really surprised to see how low the water level was again this year. There is no way that Leon is going to be getting his fishing barge off shore and into the lake this year!! The water's edge is just too far away. One would probably have to extend the dock another 100 feet to get to water!!
All in all, it was a good trip. Losing Gary was our only casualty but Jeff had a flat tire by the time we got to Otter so that had to be dealt with. We all arrived home safe and sound and that is always a good thing.
This week also marked Cooper's surgery. It was time for him to get "fixed". He went in Tuesday morning and John and I picked him up around 4:30 that same day. He was looking pretty sad and spent the rest of the evening puking his poor little guts out. He obviously did not take well to the anesthetic. He also got chipped and had a good examination of his mouth injury as well as suture removal from his lip. All in all, the surgery went well. Bonnie (the vet) was really pleased with the way his mouth healed. She had an issue with the first micro chip she inserted so had to insert another. Apparently the first chip wasn't transmitting so now Cooper has two!!
The evening went quietly along until it was time to put the cone over Cooper's head so that he would not lick the incision. Well, I no sooner got in on than he began freaking out. Jesus, I have never in my life heard such shrieking and sheer and utter terror coming out of a dog in my life. Cooper took off and did a spin around inside the trailer hitting every possible object in here all the while shrieking at the top of his lungs. I finally caught him in the bedroom and by the time John got his cone and collar off, we were both traumatized. John opened up the door and Cooper took off into the night!! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I wanted to take off into the night as well!! Holy Buckets Batman!!
After giving him about 20 minutes to settle down, we went out to try and find him. We found him under a trailer in the corner of the yard looking like he had been beat!! It took a minute to convince him to come out but eventually we did manage to get him back into the trailer.
By this time I was exhausted.....Have I ever mentioned that I really did not want this dog in the first place!! Time for me to head to bed to calm my nerves. Jesus......
The rest of the week passed quietly with Cooper feeling better and eventually feeling so much better that he decided that it would be OK to chew the brand new iPhone cord. So glad it wasn't the old one!! Holy Buckets!! Man, this animal is trying my patience!!
The kids arrived for their two weeks at the lake.
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