Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sunday, November 29/2015 - Saturday, December 5/2015

This week we had company.  Actually Kay and Ray had company but we too enjoyed them.   Kay's sister Kim,  her brother Neal and his wife Tammy came for a visit.  A couple of their kids came too and one of Tammy and Neal's grandchildren, Kevin arrived.  We all piled into the quads and we took the jeep  and headed for Box Canyon where we spent a few hours enjoying the scenery and catching up on all the family news!!  It was nice to finally meet Tammy and her kids.  Kevin was a delight and for some reason took to John like a long lost friend,  It was Kevin who decided to join John in the side by side for the trip to Box Canyon.  Tammy was pretty astounded by this as Kevin apparently is pretty quiet and standoffish.  There was no shyness today and he loved the ride!!
Ray got a fire going and we got the hot dogs, smokies and farmer sausage on the wiener sticks and had a classic "Box Canyon Feast"!!  It was great and enjoyed by all.
All too soon, it was time to head back, as the company had to return to Phoenix and one of the boys had to be on a plane back to Canada where he works at the Drumheller Tyrell Museum.
This week also found Kay and I helping Ray replace the flooring in one of the rental properties that he looks after.  It was Pergot flooring and went together well.

John and Kevin - headed to Box Canyon

In the canyon
Lots of people around the fire

Food and Beverages -  does life get any better?
John has the side by side tipped over to install the new skid plate
John ordered some parts and pieces for the side by side and once they arrived, he got busy putting them on.  The skid plate was installed and now we should be good to go as far as protecting the bottom of the machine as best we can.  The stock one really was rather useless.
The new tires were taken down to the tire shop and put on the fancy new wheels.  Once they arrived back in the yard, it didn't take too long before John had them on the quad!!  We now have lots of ground clearance so shouldn't be banging off too many rocks!!
John also bought a fancy new light bar so that too was installed and now we are truly ready to head out onto the trails.
New tires and rims
We did get out on the trails once this week and that was to do the Wickenburg Mountain Loop.  Kay and I took her side by side and John and Hogan took ours.  We headed into the wash and before too long we were at the newly renovated Train Bridge as the old one took a hit when the Hassayamppa River flooded during the monsoon season.  Now it is made with steel poles and we have a fancy new gate to go through.   In fact, we had three gates to open and go through and it was at the third gate that Kay and I ran into some mechanical problems.  Apparently, the cooling fan was not working and we bubbled out all the antifreeze from the radiator.
We waited for John to return and "fix" the problem and by the time he got back to us, the motor had cooled down and the issue was dealt with.  Apparently, the fuse that controls the fan had blown so once that was replaced, we were good to go!!
With the mechanical issues behind us, we carried on and actually had an awesome ride.  Hogan, well, I am not sure he totally appreciated the ride as I think it was a bit much for him.  I think he was pretty darn tired and was glad to get back home!!  We were out late enough on the trail that John got to try the new light bar and I must say, it worked very well.
Most of Kay's and my flagging was still up on the trails so it really was helpful in finding our way back to our "home" wash and eventually home.
Mitch arrived in Arizona this week as well.  He too is done for the season so it was good to see him again and catch up on his news as well.

New 1/2 inch thick skid plate
Installed skid plate
Heading out onto the trails
Hood up - not a good thing!!
Radiator fan not working so once the fuse was replaced
we were good to go!!
Speedometer shows 110 mph!!  We were actually sitting still!!
Gremlins in the engine!!
Back in the wash and onto our last leg home.

Another good week has come and gone and the weather has been more than cooperative.  It has been cold back home so both John and I are happy to be here enjoying the sunshine.  Hogan too is thanking his lucky stars as well.   Life is Good!!!

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