The garden continues to call me as there were a few days last week of frost and I had to cover the tomatoes soooo, time to deal with them.
The tomatoes were picked and stored in the mancave safely out of harm's way. Shirley will be taking most of those as she will be busy making salsa and canned tomatoes out of them. Gary mentioned he may even try to do some canned tomatoes this year as well. There are plenty of them to share!!
The little tiny tim tomatoes are certainly ripening quickly and I find that I am again having trouble keeping up with them. Crumb, I grab two or three everytime I pass by them but I swear I am losing the battle. Shirley tells me she still has a bag in her fridge and Gary is stocked as well!! Shit, Oh Dear!!
The cucumbers were picked the night the frost was scheduled so they were saved but the vines are hanging off the fence like death so they had to be dealt with this week. It is a good thing that it is garbage week as I bagged the vines and threw them intot he can.
The morning glory vines took a huge hit from the frost and they too needed to be taken off the fence and put into bags. Now, that was a job and a half. I had no idea just how entwined they got and I will NOT be planting them again. Man, what a nightmare they were. It took me two days to get 3/4 of the fence done!! There is still 1/4 yet to go and I am sooo not looking forward to that!!
John and I managed to get a bit more wood into the trailer for any future fires we might have. There is nothing like going for a booze cruise down the North Road and ending up with a load of firewood!! Next time though, I think I will wear my runners, my flip flops just don't cut it when it comes to wood gathering!!
It is certainly getting chilly in the evenings now and if one is planning on sitting outside in the evening then it is imperative that there be a fire to ward off the chill. There is nothing like a hot toddy in front of the fire. Mmmmm, life is good!!
Even Hogan has gotten into the habit of wearing his coat now!!
I have three days of work scheduled so that will pretty much finish off this week. Another busy one in the books.
Heading out for some wood |