Saturday, September 6, 2014

August 16/2014 - August 31/2014

This house across the street from us was scheduled for demolition
The last few weeks of this month saw several structures in town meeting the excavator.  This particular home was scheduled for demolition because of black mold and sits across the street from our place.  Of course I had to go to work this day and did not see the demo but John said it was down and cleaned up by 1:00 in the afternoon.
Deer Lake trail
We did make time again to hit the forest trail and invited Gary along for one of the rides.  I wanted to go to the far end of Otter Lake which takes us deep into the surrounding forest.  The last time we were on this trail, John saw a wolf.  With that in mind, we headed out and it wasn't long before we were stopped and needing to make some repairs on Gary's quad.  He had somehow drove over a piece of electric fence wire and it was wrapped up inside his tire.  Of course we didn't have the proper socket to remove the tire so,  Casey scooted back to town for the necessary tool.  Upon his return,  it took about 10 minutes to get the wire out and we were once again headed back down the trail.
Of course the recent rains had "topped off" the always present mud puddles and Casey did manage to spray mud all over me and the quad.....not impressed by that little maneuver and when I voiced my opinion, Casey asked me when I had become such a "city girl".   I had to chuckle about that.  LOL.
Down in the block - a spot for  "Mom"
Once we got near the old homesteads and what used to be Timberland, we saw a marker with Mom written on it.  I guess someone wanted a special spot to remember her by and it could not have picked a more peaceful spot.
Casey, John and Gary

Casey,  "cooling off" in Otter Lake
We arrived at Otter Lake without incident and Casey cooled himself and the quad off in the lake.  His boots were muddy from the mud hole and so he had a splash off and a boot cleaning while there!  It was more than peaceful here and I could certainly see myself spending the weekend here "bonding" with the great outdoors.
"Chillin" in the forest

Gary "Chillin" in the forest

minor repair needed

Lookout tower in the block
Of course, with any trail ride, we soon found our selves headed for home.  Of course today was the day that we had to climb to Lookout Tower.  We don't climb in every time we pass the turn off (usually only once or twice a season) but today seemed like a good idea.  The views from the top are incredible and I can't wait to do it again in the fall once the leaves have turned color.  It truly is something to see.
Great place for a beer

Contemplating life???  or just thinking....Life is Good!!
Of course it wouldn't be a proper trail ride unless we hung out waiting for a sunset and  on this trip we were not disappointed.  The different shots are certainly testament to what incredible country we live in.
Tonight's sunset

Does it get any better than this?

"Squeeky" Squirrel in the bird feeder
The squirrel - I will call him "Squeeky" has found the bird seed in the feeder and has been very busy eating and collecting for the up coming winter.  Of course the dogs have a definite opinion about this and between the squirrel and the dogs, we have had hours of entertainment.
Squeeky, irritating the dogs!!

John and I taking the dogs for a run near mile 12
on the North Road
John and I have been taking the dogs out of several of the nearby trails for exercise.  They both love to run and Roxy has even lost some weight.  Gee.....maybe I should be running beside her!!
Once again,  Roxy is out in front

John showing off the "flex" of sami

Goldenrod in full bloom
Big Black Wolf on the North Road


It was time for the old red quad to go down the road and be replaced by a new shiny one. We picked up the new quad at the end of Aug.                                                                                                                                            
Marie's new ride

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